This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Currently to do
This is just a scratchpad of what to do next in this wiki - feel free to register and contribute.
Missing articles
To Do
- elaborate on wishlist
- Write a little howto on the namespace structure in Ai
- Ai templates
- handle notation: chaseHandleUN, paletteHandleUN, cueHandleUN, playbackHandleUN, masterHandleID, trackHandleID, groupHandleUN, see also
complete articles
see above
See below for the planned structure of types, object types, identifiers
- Elaborate on identifiers.
- Examples
- Groups
not yet possible
- access Capture cameras, see
all the tbd's
- how to display multiline messages in Show a message prompt
- what happens in Playback - Fire/Release Playbacks from Usernumber with multiple sequential steps, with release time - do they release simultaneously, or consecutively?
debugging macros
- empty if hive, see Control Structures
sACN triggers
- trigger a master (e.g. speed) in order to fade it over time
- trigger macros on single cues
- invert something (but why…)
- virtual Capture multipatch
- size master?
- Structure/sections
- example reset: - release playbacks groups and masters for a range of consoles
- check IDs and filenames of current examples
- handle range, emails 30.08./03.09., also link to
- fire macros by triggers (sACN console to itself), see
- write some words regarding saving patches (in the ai:specifics section)
- Sammlung, siehe FB Florian Engelmohr 29.01.2019: checkgroupexists.xml
- FB Florian Engelmohr, store palette: 1test2.xml
- check if handle is already in use, with casting:
- Macros Robin Lotze, email 07.03.19
- converters, see (Math.EqualityConverter, Math.EnumAsStringEqualityConverter
- CreateShape, see slack/Flo, 08.07.19
Forum done until 01.03.19
(Gregory, 27.08.2018)
Unfortunately no I don’t think there is any way to tell for sure. However generally older parts of the software such as Handles and Palettes will require function calls whereas newer or rewritten code such as Edit Times, Playback Options, Timecode and Capture settings will normally respond directly to the property changes. This is mainly because the latter was not always possible and we don’t generally rewrite working code unless there is a need to as this runs the risk of introducing bugs.
is there a way to tell whether setting a property is enough (like in ActionScript.SetProperty(“Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackReleaseTime”, time:0) ) or both must be done (property set AND function applied, like with lockState)?
Titan Tricks
- convert chase to list by syntax, see
- use macro on single cue (with sACN triggers)
- create a group master on old software (with negative shape)
- create a size master on v9 (clock shape triggered with sACN and inverted curve)
- fade fx size/rate over time (in cue list, with a master being triggered by a virtual dimmer channel)
- make a pixel effect track (cuelist cue fires macro which toggles an external playback on/off)
- special cuelist (fader fires cue 1, go toggles between 2 and 3), see
- use clock as timer/stop watch, see and
AI knowledge base
- d4mance/BC 2014
- d4mance/BC 2016
- patches from forum
- pictures on welcome pages/section headers
- how to make use of a patch on the performance page, and how to set its thumbnail
- Pip and Multi Screen projects
- Multiviewer (TH):
- RenderToTexture
- Sample Texture Region
- Clear
- Render Merge
- output/Window (off/on by Artnet)
- clock/countdown (SB/Arran)
Ai tricks and pitfalls
- renumbering fixtures
- no audio files on the performance page!
- how to enable tap tempo (tap widget, system settings, Beat settings per tile)
- antialiasing (double resolution, see movingscreens/email)
- what is saved where
- how to save and use clip collections
- how to create a project thumbnail
- wrong codec may even disturb playmodes
- MPEG Streamclip for transcoding
- MIDI trigger on the performance page requires MIDI notes - ControlChange doesn't work here
Is there a wiki plugin to show a number of random pages from the namespace, e.g. in Ai/Examples?
Types/Identifiers Hierarchy
identifiers (essentially this is the most common ways to idetify particular items) Clear mask: Intensity=1, Positions=2, Colours=4, Gobos=8, Beam=16, Effect = 32, Special = 64, FX = 128, Time = 256 also see AcwRecordMask?!?
Discussion threads
Set All Shapes Direction | 2024/10/23 23:12 | Sebastian Beutel | 1 Comment |
Change Pages with Timecode | 2023/10/16 17:20 | Sebastian Beutel | 2 Comments |
Inhibit selected fixtures dimmer | 2023/02/28 12:25 | Sebastian Beutel | 1 Comment |
Set a Handle's Halo | 2021/05/29 18:08 | Sebastian Beutel | 2 Comments |
Delete Workspace X | 2018/06/12 13:05 | Sebastian Beutel | 1 Comment |
Timecode - Toggle On/Off for particular playback | 2017/11/20 16:39 | Sebastian Beutel | 1 Comment |
Playback - Set Paging to Never Hold | 2017/11/20 15:52 | Sebastian Beutel | 1 Comment |
MIDI Note On/Off | 2017/10/15 09:19 | 1 Comment | |
Macro - Export Macro | 2017/10/15 08:52 | 1 Comment |
todo.1564570697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/31 10:58 (external edit)