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Change Pages with Timecode

by: Sebastian Beutel, July 2022
published: here
description: change playback pages if enabled (useful with timecode)
remarks: idea from Discord/Avolites Users#general:
Antisthenes — 12.07.2022
triggering or macro question please
Is there any way to auto switch the song playback page when corresponding timecode starts?


affected properties

control structures

Here is a file with macros for Playback pages 1~10: timecode2page.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- idea from Discord/Avolites Users#general:
    Antisthenes — 12.07.2022
    triggering or macro question please raised_hand 
    Is there any way to auto switch the song playback page when corresponding timecode starts?
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages" name="Toggle Pb Pages By Timecode">
    <description>Toggle Pb Pages By Timecode.</description>
      <boolean id="Enabled" value="True"/>
    <active binding="Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages.Enabled"/>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages.Enabled", !Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages.Enabled)</step>
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.Playbacks.Page1" name="Toggle Pb to Page 1">
      <step condition="Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages.Enabled">Handles.Playbacks.ChangePage(0)</step>
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.Playbacks.Page2" name="Toggle Pb to Page 2">
      <step condition="Wiki.Macros.Timecode.TogglePages.Enabled">Handles.Playbacks.ChangePage(1)</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

The first macro defines a custom variable Enabled, sets it to True by default, and makes it possible to toggle it on/off while showing its status (with Active Binding).

The other macros check if this variable is TRUE and toggle Playbacks to designated pages.

How to use it

  1. The first macro can be copied or moved to a macro&executor button and lets you enable/disable the function of the other macros.

    Then, in order to achieve the intended behaviour:

  2. create a cuelist with as many cues as you need to toggle pages with tracks, and open it in Playback View
  3. into each cue insert the respective macro (click on the Macros cell, click [Add], select the macro…)
  4. make this cuelist run by timecode and learn the correct timestamps

This way timecode controls this cuelist which in turn controls your Playbacks pages unless this mechanism is disabled.


amarjeetjha20, 2023/10/16 17:19

Bold Text

amarjeetjha20, 2023/10/16 17:20

Amarjeet Kumar jha 2023/10/16 17 * Unordered List ItemMasters - BPM Master (snippet):20

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macros/example/changepageswithtimecode.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/15 13:15 by icke_siegen

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