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Set Autoload to Go on Target on a specific list

by: Sebastian Beutel, March 2025
published: here
description: Create an autoload on the selected cuelist cue, pointing to a specific cuelist, with 'Press Go on Target'
remarks: idea by Pontus Wallin in Facebook

It seems that currently (Titan 17/Titan 18) Autoloads with Go on Target release the target if not used in subsequent cues. This has been reported and will be fixed. Consider recording and using a macro instead (connect to other cuelist and hit Go, or press the other cuelist's go button).



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.SetAutoload.CL2Go" name="Set Autoload to CL2 Go">
      <step>Playbacks.Editor.Autoload.SetPlaybackAutoload("cueListHandleUN=2", 2, 0)</step> 


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

  • Playbacks.Editor.SelectCueFromViewing() defines the currently selected cue to be worked on
  • Playbacks.Editor.Autoload.SetPlaybackAutoload(“cueListHandleUN=2”, 2, 0) sets the Autolod to point to Cuelist UN 2 with “Go” as Autoload type (set by the number 2)
  • Menu.ExitRootOrLatched() exits the Set Autoload menu

How to use it

  1. create some macros with the cuelist usernumbers which you want to point to
  2. when you want to create an Autoload, simply click in the Autoload cell of the cue and fire a macro
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macros/example/setautoloadgo.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/21 19:51 by icke_siegen

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