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Programmer - Park/Restore/Swop

by: Sebastian Beutel, June 2018
published: here
description: Emulate dual programmer:
- park programmer
- restore programmer
- swop programmer


affected properties


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Macros to emulate a second programmer - you can store the current programmer, 
     retrieve it again, and swop between the current and the stored programmer -->
<!-- As Playbacks.StoreCue() always writes on the current page in the refererenced handle group, 
     I chose the Macro window to store these special playbacks. -->
<!-- Sebastian Beutel, 27-06-2018 -->
  <!-- Store programmer into a cue -->  
  <macro id="SB.Macros.Programmer.Park" name="SB Park Programmer">
    <description>Park Programmer to a playback</description>
      <!-- store current programmer to playback #1000 -->
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Expert.RecordPlayback.RecordMode.ModeOnEnter", Playbacks.RecordMode)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.RecordMode", "RecordCueModeProgrammer")</step>
      <step>Playbacks.StoreCue("Macros", 1000, false)</step>
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Clear(255, true, false, 0)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.RecordMode", Expert.RecordPlayback.RecordMode.ModeOnEnter)</step>
      <!-- set usernumber and legend -->
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.CurrentUserNumber", userNumber:10000)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.PendingLegend", "Parked Programmer")</step>
  <!-- Retrieve programmer from a cue -->
  <macro id="SB.Macros.Programmer.Restore" name="SB Restore Programmer">
    <description>Restore Programmer from a playback</description>
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Clear(255, true, false, 0)</step>
      <step>Include.SelectPlayback("Macros", 1000)</step>
  <!-- Swop programmer with previously parked programmer -->
  <macro id="SB.Macros.Programmer.Swop" name="SB Swop Programmer">
    <description>Swop programmer with previously parked programmer</description>
      <!-- store current programmer to playback #1001 -->
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1001)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Expert.RecordPlayback.RecordMode.ModeOnEnter", Playbacks.RecordMode)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Playbacks.RecordMode", "RecordCueModeProgrammer")</step>
      <step>Playbacks.StoreCue("Macros", 1001, false)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.RecordMode", Expert.RecordPlayback.RecordMode.ModeOnEnter)</step>
      <!-- load previous programmer from playback #1000 -->
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Clear(255, true, false, 0)</step>
      <step>Include.SelectPlayback("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <!-- delete playback #1000, move playback #1001 to #1000 -->
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1001)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Handles.OperationMode", "move")</step>
      <step>Handles.CopyDestination("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <!-- set usernumber and legend -->  
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Macros", 1000)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.CurrentUserNumber", userNumber:10000)</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.PendingLegend", "Parked Programmer")</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

The macro SB Park Programmer parks the current contents of the programmer into a cue playback (group Macros, index 1000):

  • the playback is deleted (just in case)
  • the current Record mode ist stored in a property, and Record mode set to 'Programmer'
  • the programmer is stored into that cue, and then cleared
  • the Record mode is restored to what it was before storing the cue, from the temporary property
  • finally, usernumber is set to 10000, the legend is set to 'Parked Programmer', and the selection is cleared.

The macro SB Restore Programmer restores the programmer from the temp playback:

  • the programmer is cleared
  • the temp cue is included

The macro SB Swop Programmer swops the programmer with the temp cue:

  • the current programmer is stored into a cue playback (Macros 1001), see above
  • the programmer is cleared and the 'old' temp cue is included (see above)
  • the old temp cue is deleted and the new one moved to replace the old one
  • finally, usernumber is set to 10000, the legend is set to 'Parked Programmer', and the selection is cleared.

How to use it

  1. put the macros onto easy-to-reach buttons to quickly juggle with your programmer - very helpful for complex programming tasks.
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macros/example/parkprogrammer.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/15 02:15 by

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