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Change Playback Timings Grid
by: | Alex del Bondio |
published: | August 2018 |
description: | Change fade and release times or overlap for a playback grid |
remarks: |
- These macros can be used to toggle fade/release times or overlap for basically a full playback page in one go.
- This set of macros is set up for a 12×12 grid in playbacks window but can be adjusted by deleting the corresponding lines from the macro (which admittedly is a bit tedious though due to the length of the macro and that you cannot 'group' playbacks for some commands)
- Only the originally imported macros will work, meaning you can move but not really copy them (they get a new id when copied thus referencing wrong)
- the macros will be highlighted by a halo according which macro last changed time or overlap
- there is an macro called
adb import Live Timing
that will import all macros to pg11 of the macro workspace - the software might need to be restarted for the halo part to work
affected properties
- SetCueFadeInTime.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <avolites.macros> <!-- live time macros example --> <macro id="adb.Macros.livetime1" name="Live Time 1s"> <sequence> <!-- Remove Halos --> <step>Playbacks.Editor.Macros.SetTargetHandle("adb.Macros.livetime0")</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Playbacks.Editor.Macros.Target.Handle)</step> <step>Handles.RemoveHalo()</step> <step>Playbacks.Editor.Macros.SetTargetHandle("adb.Macros.livetime1")</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Playbacks.Editor.Macros.Target.Handle)</step> <step>Handles.RemoveHalo()</step> <!-- repeat for macros as needed --> <!-- Set Times --> <!-- Handles.SetSourceHandleRange(group, indexList) --> <step>Handles.ClearSelection()</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", null)</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("PlaybackWindow", 0)</step> <step condition="Playbacks.IsCueHandle(Handles.SourceHandle)"> ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", Handles.SourceHandle)</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackReleaseTime", time:1)</step> <step>Playbacks.Editor.EnsurePlaybackCueSelected()</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Times.CueFadeInTime", time:1)</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("PlaybackWindow", 1)</step> <step condition="Playbacks.IsCueHandle(Handles.SourceHandle)"> ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", Handles.SourceHandle)</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackReleaseTime", time:1)</step> <step>Playbacks.Editor.EnsurePlaybackCueSelected()</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Times.CueFadeInTime", time:1)</step> <!-- repeat for playbacks as needed --> <step>Handles.ClearSelection()</step> <!-- Set Halo --> <step>Playbacks.Editor.Macros.SetTargetHandle("adb.Macros.livetime1")</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Playbacks.Editor.Macros.Target.Handle)</step> <step>Handles.SetPendingHaloToSystemColour("Yellow")</step> <step>Handles.ClearSelection()</step> </sequence> </macro> <!-- overlap macros --> <macro id="adb.Macros.liveOverlap50" name="Live Overlap 50"> <sequence> <!-- Set Overlap --> <step>Handles.ClearSelection()</step> <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("PlaybackWindow", 0)</step> <step condition="Playbacks.IsCueHandle(Handles.SourceHandle)"> ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", Handles.SourceHandle)</step> <step>Playbacks.Editor.EnsurePlaybackCueSelected()</step> <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Float("Playbacks.Editor.Times.CueFixtureOverlap", 0.5)</step> <!-- repeat for playbacks as needed --> <step>Handles.ClearSelection()</step> </sequence> </macro> </avolites.macros>
This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax
Set Times
<step condition=“Playbacks.IsCueHandle(Handles.SourceHandle)”>ActionScript.SetProperty(“Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback”, Handles.SourceHandle)</step>
makes sure only playbacks get selected (no macros, groups, etc which could stop the macro halfway)ActionScript.SetProperty(“Playbacks.Editor.Times.PlaybackReleaseTime”, time:1)
sets a release time of 1sPlaybacks.Editor.EnsurePlaybackCueSelected()
Ensures a playback cue to apply the fadetime to is selectedActionScript.SetProperty(“Playbacks.Editor.Times.CueFadeInTime”, time:1)
sets a fade time of 1s
Remove Halo
selects a particular macro based on its macroid. Copied macros seem to become a new macro id.Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Playbacks.Editor.Macros.Target.Handle)
selects the actual handle the macro is on
Set Halo
sets a yellow halo on the macros just fired
ActionScript.SetProperty.Float(“Playbacks.Editor.Times.CueFixtureOverlap”, 0.5)
sets an overlap of 50%
adb import Live Timing
is a macro that imports the whole set of macros onto page 11 in the macros workspace
How to use it
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macros/example/livetiming.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/16 17:48 by