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Legend - Get a cuelist cue's legend

by: Kim Wida, April 2018
description: Get Specific Cue Legend In A Cuelist
remarks: How can I get second or third cue's legend in the cuelist??
I am trying to make a macro which show currently running cue's legend to the cuelist legend.
For understanding. There is a cuelist which has “Colour” legend. It has 4 cues and each cue have “Red”, “Green”, “Blue” and “White” legend.
What I want is when I fire the cuelist, cuelist legend change “Colour” to “Red”. Then “Red” to “Green”… like this.


affected properties


<step pause="0.01">ConnectedPlayback.Connect(Handles.GetHandle("PlaybackWindow",0,76))</step>
<step pause="0.01">Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(Handles.GetHandle("PlaybackWindow",0,76))</step>
<step pause="0.01">Playbacks.FillCueLegend(
<step pause="0.01">Handles.SetLegend()</step>
<step pause="0.01">Handles.ClearSelection()</step>


  • ConnectedPlayback.Connect connects to a specific playback
  • Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle selects this playback to set its legend
  • Playbacks.FillCueLegend gets a specific cue's legnd and feeds this into the property 'PendingLegend' to set it in the next step
  • Handles.SetLegend sets the cuelist's legend to the current cue's legend
If you didn't put cue legend of the cuelist, it will show default cuelist name.
You could use “CueLists.LiveCueNumber +1”, if you want to see next cue.

This is only a code snippet and not operational within itself. Listed here for documentation

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macros/example/getcuelistcuelegend.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/27 11:28 by sideshowbond

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