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Creating R20 files from d4 personalities

(This is NOT an official documentation but simply based on my personal experiences - it might be not complete or even simply wrong in some aspects. Please give feeback if you find anything that you think should be improved.)

R20 files had been the personalities for the Classic consoles from the Pearl 2000 on. After production of the Classic consoles was stopped, Avolites also ceased to offer free personality service for this system in 2019. You can still download the existing personalities, but no new ones will be created.

This page is intended to be helpful when you need a new personality for a fixture which isn't in the library for classic consoles but does exist as d4 file for the Titan system. Please understand that this page is currently Work In Progress.

Preliminary Considerations

It is good to understand the main differences (with regards to personalities) between the old Classic system and the new Titan system. when using the Personality Builder to export R20 files from existing d4 files you most likely need to correct some details following these points.

  1. With R20 files, each mode requires a separate personality file, while in the d4 world there is only one file per fixture, holding all the modes.
  2. No Virtual Dimmers in Classic! In Titan you can define a dimmer channel which doesn't exist in the fixture, to proportionally dim e.g. red/green/blue colour channels. This is not possible on Classic consoles, and thus not supported in R20 files.
  3. No cells/subfixtures in Classic! Nowadays there are numerous fixtures available with many individually controllable pixels or other parts, and in Titan there is a mechanism where you can control all such parts simultaneously (as Master channels) or individualle (as subfixtures or cells). This is not possible in Classic. As such, cell modes as well as modes using cells are not supported in R20 files. There is a special feature called compatibility attributes which attempts to spread out all such attributes onto available attribute banks but this is currently not covered from this explanation.
  4. No Conditions in Classic! In Titan it is rather common to have a virtual function-select attribute which controls how other attributes can be adjusted, e.g. a wheel Gobo Func where you can select Index, Scroll and Shake, and the Gobo wheel itself then shows only a subsection of all the Gobo values. This is not possible in Classic.
  5. No 16 bit Dimmer in Classic! While in theory this should be possible, in reality there is an issue in the software which doesn't allow such dimmers to be dimmed down to 0. Thus you might need to reduce the resolution to 8 bit and put the extra channel elsewhere.
  6. Two wheels only in Classic! While there are at least three control wheels on Titan consoles and it is easy to add and operate attributes on multiple pages, Classic consoles have only two wheels, and spreading attributes across pages is best avoided.
  7. Classic wheel mapping not stored in d4 files! Subsequently to the previous point the wheel mapping (i.e. how the attributes are laid out onto the wheels) for Classic consoles is in most cases different from the mapping in Titan. However, as the d4 file format is targeted towards Titan, it doesn't provide means to store the mapping for Classic consoles. The personality builder has the option to export and import this as separate xml file in File ⇒ Export ⇒ Pearl Mapping. But you need to keep track of such files if you are using this.

My scratchpad:

- get the latest d4 file, check at - you might already check which modes are in the fixture –> cells are not supported by r20 files/classic consoles - open in personality builder - check the modes you want to use as r20 (each mode gets its own file) - for the Equinox Fusion 260ZR the Cell mode and the 25 DMX mode (which uses the cells) cannot be used as r20 - for the usable modes:

  1. check that a distinct Classic Pearl Reference is set (11 characters, no spaces - PLEQFU2602, PLEQFU2608, PLEQFU2617
  2. when exporting the filename is created from the Classic Pearl Reference but is limited to 8 characters. Thus, 8 char references are preferable - here: EQFU2602, EQFU2608, EQFU2617
  3. check wheel mapping for the modes you need, tab 'Classic Pearl' – all attributes mapped, nothing unassigned – and nothing red
  4. ————————–


The channels assigned to wheels in this mode only utilise part of the DMX range.

Note: Visualiser will require complete range to work correctly.

Adjust limits to match?

Ja Nein

  1. not necessarily but recommended to fix this. Here:
    1. Shutter (change Open to 1~15)
  2. Auto (change No Effect to 0~15)
  3. Colour Macro (change Open to 1~15)
  4. Colour Macro (change Safe to 1~127)
  1. ————————–


The attribute, Control, is not included in this mode but is in the macro Reset.

Write macro anyway?

Ja Nein


- from the second mode on make sure you give the correct filename

prolight_equinox_fusion_260zr.d4 eqfu2602.r20 eqfu2608.r20 eqfu2617.r20

personality/create_r20_from_d4.1652709894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/16 14:04 by icke_siegen

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