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Creating R20 files from d4 personalities

(This is NOT an official documentation but simply based on my personal experiences - it might be not complete or even simply wrong in some aspects. Please give feeback if you find anything that you think should be improved.)

R20 files had been the personalities for the Classic consoles from the Pearl 2000 on. After production of the Classic consoles was stopped, Avolites also ceased to offer free personality service for this system in 2019. You can still download the existing personalities, but no new ones will be created.

This is intended to be helpful when you need a new personality for a fixture which isn't in the library for classic consoles but does exist as d4 file for the Titan system. Please understand that this page is currently Work In Progress.

personality/create_r20_from_d4.1652705025.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/16 12:43 (external edit)

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