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The concept of masks is all over Titan - there is a clear mask, a record mask, a release mask, and probably more. The mask defines the attribute groups a certain action is to be performed on,

The mask is a bit mask. Each attribute group is assigned an int from the series of pow(2) which leads to the result that the values per group can simply be added up, to identify a unique mask, i.e. combination of attribute groups. As per the values are:

Member Value Description
Empty Empty mask (0)
I Intensity (1)
P Pan Tilt (2)
C Colour (4)
G Gobo (8)
B Beam (16)
E Effect (32)
S Special (64)
FX Other Effects - e.g. Shape, Pixel Mapper (128)
Time Time (256)
All All
AllCueGroups Everything that can be set in Fixture Cue data

Hence, a mask value of 4 is C(olour) only, or –C——, a mask value of 7 would be I(ntensity), P(osition), C(olour) or IPC——, and a mask value of 511 would be all, or IPCGBESFxTime


From the examples I found I'd say that AcwREcordMask (and the other masks) are objects which can be handled as integers. Usually you simply pass the int value to a function which requires the mask.

Also used in
macros/type/object/acwrecordmask.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/29 08:57 by icke_siegen

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