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Introduction to macros


Macros are a way to automatically call specific functions or set specific values. Macros can be called from workspace buttons, or can be triggered from specific actions (like: from starting a cue in a cue list or – as of Titan v10 – starting a set list track).

Essentially there are two types of macros: macros recorded live on the console, and macros which are written in code. More about this is written in Recorded vs. coded macros. However, this wiki is dedicated to coded macros.

While macros are a very powerful tool to customize your console, writing macros is nothing for the faint of heart. Some basic windows knowledge - browsing and copying files across your system - as well as a good text editor are pre-requisites. It is recommended to try your macros on your private computer sporting Avolites Titan Simulator, and using it on your live console only when you have proven it works and doesn't harm system, show or nerves.

And if you are looking for a comfortable text editor: there are many available, and even Windows notepad will do. However, please don't use a big word processor (Word, OpenOffice etc.) - they might have their problems with the xml markup which is used, will make your macro fail to run, and more. Personally I prefer an editor called Notepad++ which I can strongly recommend.

Writing a macro

Writing a macro is easy as macros are text files in a certain format: fire up your text editor, write something like the text below (or simly download it), save this file with a name like setpaging.xml, copy it to My Documents/Titan/Macros, start (or restart) Titan Simulator – and when clicking <Macro> [Show All] you should find a new macro named 'Set PbPaging to NeverHold' like this (that's a real life example - I was looking for a way to make one of my favourite user settings more accessible):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<avolites.macros xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Avolites.Menus.xsd">
  <!-- Macro to set PlaybackPaging to never. Sebastian Beutel with help by Gregory Haynes 05/09/2016 -->
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.PagingNeverHold" name="Set PbPaging to NeverHold">
    <description>Sets PlaybackPaging to NeverHold.</description>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Handles.HandlesHeldover", "NeverHold")</step>

What's next

Gotten curious? Welcome to the club - now you know what all this is about. You may go on reading here:

P.S. My first Macro Howto

This is the prequel of the wiki: back in 2016 I wrote my first documentation for the new macro engine. If you want you may have a look at it: avolites_titan_macros_v0.9.pdf

macros/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/24 08:16 by icke_siegen

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