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List of the various MIDI commands. From the example in Trigger - Add MIDi trigger it is believed that it is implemented as type Enum
<!-- lines wrapped only for readability --> <step>Triggers.AddMidiTrigger( Triggers.SelectedMappingId, Triggers.PendingTriggerTarget, 1, <!-- here the MIDI command is determined --> Math.ToEnum( "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console", "Avolites.Titan.Controllers.Console.PanelMidiCommands", "Continuous"), 1, 0, 127, 0, false) </step>
List from
Member Value | Description |
Note | The note. It is used as a wildcard for all the values of the note. |
Empty | The empty |
NoteOff | The note off |
NoteOn | The note on |
Aftertouch | The aftertouch |
Continuous | The continuous |
PatchChange | The patch change |
ChannelPressure | The channel pressure |
PitchBend | The pitch bend |
SystemMessage | The system message |
macros/identifier/panelmidicommands.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/16 11:00 by icke_siegen