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Type: Int32

Each control, i.e. controllable attribute of a fixture, is assigned a number.

Example in

…this is a special ID assigned by the Titan system and references the specific attributes within a fixture. There are a number of fixed ID’s which I have listed below and relate to common attributes. Some are specifically created depending on the fixture type. For the purposes of this guide we only need to refer to the fixed ID’s. In this example the control ID is 16 which is for dimmer.

Generally there are only fixed IDs for attributes that are handled in some special way in Titan, this might be that they are used by the colour picker or specialized Attribute Editor functionality. This means that even relatively common attributes such as Shutter do not have a fixed ID because there isn't special functionality associated with them. All other attributes will have IDs generated for them dynamically, these can be determined using Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.GetControlIdFromName.



Control Remarks Control Id (hex) Control Id (dec)
Dimmer The intensity control of a fixture. 0x10 16
Pan The horizontal position control for a fixture. 0x20 32
Tilt The Vertical position control of a fixture. 0x30 48
Cyan Cyan component used in subtracted colour mixing. 0x40 64
CyanAdditive The amount of cyan in the output colour of a fixture. 0x41 65
Magenta Magenta component used in subtracted colour mixing. 0x50 80
MagentaAdditive The amount of magenta in the output colour of a fixture. 0x51 81
Yellow Yellow component used in subtracted colour mixing. 0x60 96
YellowAdditive The amount of yellow in the output colour of a fixture. 0x61 97
Red The amount of red in the output colour of a fixture. 0xf0 240
Green The amount of green in the output colour of a fixture. 0x100 256
Blue The amount of blue in the output colour of a fixture. 0x110 272
Amber The amount of Amber in the output colour of a fixture. 0x111 273
White The amount of White in the output colour of a fixture. 0x112 274
WarmWhite The amount of Warm White in the output colour of a fixture. 0x113 275
ColdWhite The amount of Cold White in the output colour of a fixture. 0x114 276
CTO Colour temperature correction channel. 0x115 277
UV UV Colour Channel. 0x116 278
Lime Lime Colour Channel. 0x117 279
Colour1 Colour wheel 1. 0x70 112
Colour2 Colour wheel 2. 0x80 128
Hue The hue colour component. 0x118 280
Saturation The saturation colour component. 0x119 281
ColourIntensity The colour intensity, used in HSI to differentiate from Dimmer. 0x11a 282
HSI Used as a shortcut to set all colour mixing controls. 0x11b 283
Gobo1 Gobo wheel 1. 0x90 144
Gobo2 Gobo wheel 2. 0xa0 160
Gobo1Rotate Gobo wheel 1 rotation. 0xb0 176
Gobo2Rotate Gobo wheel 2 rotation. 0xc0 192
Iris Fixture iris. 0xd0 208
Focus Fixture focus. 0xe0 224
Zoom Fixture Zoom. 0xe1 225
KeystoneTopLeftX Keystone top left x. 0x130 304
KeystoneTopLeftY Keystone top left Y. 0x140 320
KeystoneTopRightX Keystone top right x. 0x150 336
KeystoneTopRightY Keystone top right y. 0x160 352
KeystoneBottomRightX Keystone bottom right x. 0x170 368
KeystoneBottomRightY Keystone bottom right y. 0x180 384
KeystoneBottomLeftX Keystone bottom left X. 0x190 400
KeystoneBottomLeftY Keystone bottom left Y. 0x1a0 416
Keystone1 Position of the top keystone edge. 0x2e0 736
Keystone2 Position of the right keystone edge. 0x2f0 752
Keystone3 Position of the bottom keystone edge. 0x300 768
Keystone4 Position of the left keystone edge. 0x310 784
Keystone1Rotation Rotation of the top keystone edge. 0x320 800
Keystone2Rotation Rotation of the right keystone edge. 0x330 816
Keystone3Rotation Rotation of the bottom keystone edge. 0x340 832
Keystone4Rotation Rotation of the left keystone edge. 0x350 848
BladeTopLeft Top blade left corner 0x1b0 432
BladeTopRight Top blade right corner 0x1c0 448
BladeRightTop Right blade top corner 0x1d0 464
BladeRightBottom Right blade bottom corner 0x1e0 480
BladeBottomRight Bottom blade right corner 0x1f0 496
BladeBottomLeft Bottom blade left corner 0x200 512
BladeLeftBottom Left blade bottom corner 0x210 528
BladeLeftTop Left blade right corner 0x220 544
Blade1 Blade 1 position 0x230 560
Blade2 Blade 2 position 0x240 576
Blade3 Blade 3 position 0x250 592
Blade4 Blade 4 position 0x260 608
Blade1Rotation Blade 1 Rotation 0x270 624
Blade2Rotation Blade 2 Rotation 0x280 640
Blade3Rotation Blade 3 Rotation 0x290 656
Blade4Rotation Blade 4 Rotation 0x2a0 672
BladeAllRotation Blade system overall rotate 0x2b0 688
KeystoneXRatio Keystone X Ratio 0x2c0 704
KeystoneYRatio Keystone Y Ratio 0x2d0 720
ImageZoom Image Size 0x380 896
AspectRatio Aspect Ratio 0x381 897
AspectMode Aspect Mode 0x382 898
MTC_Hour MTC Hour 0x383 899
MTC_Minute MTC Minute 0x384 900
MTC_Second MTC Second 0x385 901
MTC_Frame MTC Frame 0x386 902
Play_Mode Play Mode 0x387 903
Play_Speed Play Speed 0x388 904
In_Point In Point 0x389 905
Out_Point Out Point 0x38a 906
LibraryFolder Content library folder. 0x38b 907
LibraryFile Content library file or clip. 0x38c 908
FX1_Selection Dynamically populated effects list. 0x38d 909
FX2_Selection Dynamically populated effects list. 0x38e 910

Used in

macros/identifier/fixturecontrolid.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/18 13:03 by

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