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HandleReference Handles.CreateHandleReference(String group, Int32 page, Int32 index)
description Creates a handle reference object from the group page and index.
namespace Handles
parameter group ( String ) : The group of handles.
page ( Int32 ) : The page within the group.
index ( Int32 ) : Index of the handle within this page.
return value Handle

Used to pass a handle reference when creating a new one, when the handle does not yet exist.

Page and index are 0-based, e.g. (“Groups”, 0, 0) is the first button on page 1 in the groups window.

Gregory Haynes gives a good explanation for its use when a function requires a handle which is yet to be created (here: Group.QuickCreateGroup):

The handle search converter which is used to interpret the “Location=Groups,1,10” is designed to find a handle based on the description. If there is no matching handle i.e. a recorded group then it will return null (nothing) and therefore it cannot be used to specify a location where nothing exists. What you need instead is a handle reference so you could do something like the following:

Group.QuickCreateGroup(Handles.CreateHandleReference(“Groups”, 1, 10), userNumber:10, “Group 10”, 0)
Example in


  <step>Workspace.Record(Handles.CreateHandleReference("Workspaces", 0, 0), "Playbacks", 0, true, false)</step>
Also used in
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macros/function/handles.createhandlereference.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/10 18:06 by

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