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Timecode - Set starttime to livetime and toggle source

by: Roger Pique
published: April 2020
description: Sets Timecode 1 to TimecodeOne Live Time.
remarks: Useful for timecode shows where you temporarily need to disconnect from timecode without killing all playbacks, and be able to resume timecode operation later.
See detailled description below.


affected properties


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.SetTimecodeOneLiveTime" name="SetTimecodeOneLiveTime">
    <description>Sets Timecode 1 to TimecodeOne Live Time.</description>
      <step condition="Math.IsEqual(Timecode.TimecodeOne.IsControlAllowed, true)">Timecode.TimecodeOne.Reset()</step>
      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("Timecode.TimecodeOne.Source", "Internal")</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

  • Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetStartTime(Timecode.AsObservable(Timecode.TimecodeOne.LiveTime)) sets timecodeOne's start time to the current timecode time
  • Timecode.TimecodeOne.Reset() resets the timer to this time
  • ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum(“Timecode.TimecodeOne.Source”, “Internal”) and Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetSource(Timecode.TimecodeOne.Source) set timecode 1 source to Internal (disconnect it from SMPTE)

How to use it

Make this macro available

This macro is meant to be used for shows using timelines when the song ends with an open ending. In this case the procedure would be creating a CueList with two cues inside it:

  1. Cue 1 would be an empty cue triggering the SetTimecodeOneLiveTime macro (preferably copied and used with another name within showfile).
  2. Cue 2 would be an empty cue triggering the Set Timecode One to SMPTE (stored in default avolites macros).

At the end of the timecode part of the song (on the last frame if possible) the timeline should have a trigger to Cue 1 from the CueList mentioned above. This way internal clock is set to the last frame received by SMPTE and timecode one source is set to internal so the operator can now play or pause from the last frame given by SMPTE.

A pause in the timeline may be set while the open ending is triggered so it can last as long as operator decides.

After Timeline is played, the song and the open ending ends. There should be another trigger to CueList Cue 2 mentioned above that would change again TimeCode One Source to SMPTE (resetting it to 0 by default).

When SMTPE starts playing again triggering the next song Timecode and Timeline would go to the expected location as usual.

IMPORTANT NOTE: On Timeline time 00,00,00.00 there should not be any cues so that when SMPTE restarts nothing is triggered by error. A preparation of Front fixtures could be interesting to set there though.

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macros/example/timecodelivetime.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/09 15:18 by icke_siegen

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