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Capture - Diagnostics

by: Alex del Bondio, April 2019
published: here
description: show Capture diagnostics


  • these macros turn on or off the diagnostics in Capture which show you things like frame rate, render details etc. I have not found a way to do this in a generic way on the console.


affected properties


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Diagnostics, Alex del Bondio - April 2019 -->
    <macro id="adb.Macros.Capture.showdiagnostics" name="Capture Show Diagnostics">
        <active binding="Visualiser.Capture.ShowDiagnostics" />
            <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Visualiser.Capture.ShowDiagnostics", true)</step>
    <macro id="adb.Macros.Capture.hidediagnostics" name="Capture Hide Diagnostics">
        <active binding="{propertyLink id='Visualiser.Capture.ShowDiagnostics' converter='Math.NotConverter'}" />
            <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Visualiser.Capture.ShowDiagnostics", false)</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

  • Visualiser.Capture.ShowDiagnostics turns either on or off the diagnostics which are shown in the Capture workspace

How to use it

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macros/example/capturediagnostics.1556470636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/28 16:57 by sideshowbond

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