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Ai Modules

Camera (Controller)

section Controller
short description all-in-one module to set the parameters when using a Camera (GL)
licence level Miami
ports Cam [multipurpose] – output of all essential data to control a camera
Time [control/numeric] – Keyframe Time input
Fov [control/numeric] – input the field of view value
Aspect [control/numeric] – input the aspect ratio value
Path [gl/render] – output, to connect to a render path
Position [control/vector] – output, the camera position
parameter Forward [input/text] – key for moving the camera forwards
Backward [input/text] – key for moving the camera backwards
Left [input/text] – key for moving the camera left
Right [input/text] – key for moving the camera right
Up [input/text] – key for moving the camera up
Down [input/text] – key for moving the camera down
Speed [knob/rotary fader]
Stop [knob/rotary fader]
KFrame [dropdown select]
Edit [pushbutton] – edit the current keyframe
Add [pushbutton] – add a keyframe
Del [pushbutton] – delete a keyframe
Near [input/numeric]
Far [input/numeric]
Skins [Default], KeyFrames


Defines a 3D camera position and view using video game style WASD+mouse control (also supports keyframe storage and interpolation)
ai/modules/controller/camera.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/28 17:58 by icke_siegen

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