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Web API Parameter


“Level” is a numeric value denoting the level a given thing (e.g. playback) is to be set to, fired at, or whatsoever.



If the parsing method is given incorrectly or not given at all then Titan guesses the numeric value to be the absolute level:

level=0.4 or level_dummy=0.4 both are treated as absolute level 40%.

However leveldelta (small letter d!) is treated a different parsing:

throws this error
“Error: Das Objekt mit dem Typ \”System.Boolean\“ kann nicht in den Typ \”Avolites.Menus.Maths.LevelAdjust\“ konvertiert werden.” (cannot convert System.Boolean to LevelAdjust)

level_level= results in “Error: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.” (wrong format)

Reason: the value is missing

level_level results in “Error: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.” (no object instantiated)

Reason: the equal sign = (and the value) are missing, thus the parameter isn't recognized at all

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