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Web API request


Sets intensity of fixtures in the group based on fader level.

namespace Group
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Group/SetGroupFaderLevel?group={string}&index={titanId}&value={level}&accuracy={float}
example http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Group/SetGroupFaderLevel?group=Groups&index=0&value_level=0.7&accuracy=0 (link opens in new tab)
action sets group master to 70%, of the group stored on the first button in the groups window page 1
parameter group: the window or playback bank where the group is (also see Location), e.g. Groups or Playbacks
index: Int32, the 0-based index in that group
value: Level, the new level of this group
accuracy: Float, the accuracy.
returns nothing if successful
error message if failed
remarks currently this works always with groups on page 1 (windows or playbacks), regardless which page the window or playback bank is set to in the UI.

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webapi/requests/group_setgroupfaderlevel.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:27 by

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