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Fires a playback with the specified level. This function forces the playback to a level, Doesn't do any level matching and always loads it if it's not loaded. If refire is set then it kills it before firing.

namespace Playbacks
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Playbacks/FirePlaybackAtLevel?handle={handle}&level={level}&alwaysRefire={bool}
example http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/FirePlaybackAtLevel?handle_userNumber=2&level_level=0.9&alwaysRefire=true (link opens in new tab)
action Sets the given playback to the given level. Also restarts the LTP values if alwaysRefire is set to true.
parameter Handle: the playback to fire
Level: the level to set the playback to
alwaysRefire (Boolean): whether the playback is to be restarted
returns Nothing if successfull.
An error if not successfull.

Explanation for alwaysRefire:

If your fixtures (alwaysRefire only affects LTP channels) are currently active from two playbacks then the playback fired last dictates the LTP values. If now the earlier fired playback is 'refired' with FirePlaybackAtLevel and alwaysRefire is false then the LTP values do not change as both playbacks had already been active and the other playback is still the latest one. However if FirePlaybackAtLevel is used with alwaysRefire=true then this playback is treated as fired from 0 again, is now the latest one and controls the LTP attributes.

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webapi/requests/playbacks_fireplaybackatlevel.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:34 by

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