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ColourChaseChanger (V2)

by: Jonas Nijs, Dec. 2017
published: December 2017
description: changes the colours of a color chase to any color you want
remarks: This is an updated version to the old one, this time using system syntax so it goes faster and whitout your screen flickering.
Also see the author's remarks on how to use it (below the code)
In the original post there is also a short manual linked which you might find helpful.

Kim Wida developed a slightly changed version: PaletteChaseChanger (V3).




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- V2.0 by Nijs Jonas 7/12/2017 -->
<macro id="UserMacro.colchasechanger2">
  <name>Color chase changer</name>
    <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Programmer.BlindActive", true)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Programmer.SetBlindMode(false, 0)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Group.RecallGroupNumeric(100)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Palette.ApplyPalette("Location=Colours,1,16", false)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty("Palette.CurrentPaletteHandle", handle:"Location=Colours,2,1")</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Palette.StoreCurrentPaletteReplace()</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Programmer.Editor.Clear(Attribute.Mask.Clear.Value, Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Clear.Presets, false, 
    <step pause="0.01">Group.RecallGroupNumeric(100)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Palette.ApplyPalette("Location=Colours,1,17", false)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty("Palette.CurrentPaletteHandle", handle:"Location=Colours,2,2")</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Palette.StoreCurrentPaletteReplace()</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Programmer.Editor.Clear(Attribute.Mask.Clear.Value, Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Clear.Presets, false, 
    <step pause="0.01">ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Programmer.BlindActive", false)</step>
    <step pause="0.01">Programmer.SetBlindMode(false, 0)</step>


a brief explanation of the syntax used. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

Essentially this macro does:

The commands are as follows:

How to use it

  1. make a color chase that uses color pallets
  2. place those color pallets on the color pallets windows page 2 positions 1 and 2
  3. create a group for all the fixtures used in that color chase and give that group usernumber 100
  4. when you want to change the colors, place the 2 new colors you want on the color pallets page 1 positions 16 and 17
  5. run the macro and have fun.