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Web API request


Flashes a master to zero. Also known as Dead Black Out.

namespace Masters
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Masters/DeadBlackOut?handle={handle}
example http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Masters/DeadBlackOut?handle_titanId=1605 (link opens in new tab)
action temporarily sets the grand master at 0%
parameter Handle - the master to be flashed
returns nothing if successful
error message if request failed
remarks Using a usernumber to identify the master will fail as masters don't have one. Either assign the master to a handle and use its location or use the reserved Titan ID, see titanId
the blacked-out master must be reset from the Web API using Masters/ClearFlash - in order to reset it on the console do Release Release All Masters, bring the fader down to 0% to level-match, and then bring the fader up again.
applying this to a rate or BPM master results in sending it to 0.

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webapi/requests/masters_deadblackout.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:29 by

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