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Web API request


Sets the name of the current page of a group.

namespace Handles
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/Handles/SetGroupPageName?group={string}&name={string}
parameters group: the string indicating the group name, e.g. Playbacks, Colours, Fixtures
name: the new name (legend) for this page
example http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Handles/SetGroupPageName?group=Colours&name=hallo (link opens in new tab)
action Sets the page legend of the current page of a workspace window.
returns Nothing if successfull.
“Error: Error executing an Action Script” if an error occured, e.g. a wrong group was indicated.
remarks Always changes the current page's name. Works regardless if this window is open or pages are shown or not.

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webapi/requests/handles_setgrouppagename.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:20 by

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