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Web API request


Sets the next step for the supplied playback.

namespace Cuelists
usage http://[ip]:4430/titan/script/2/CueLists/SetNextCue?handle={handle}&stepNumber={float}
example http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/CueLists/SetNextCue?handle_userNumber=4&stepNumber=3.0 (link opens in new tab)
action sets cuelist with usernumber 4 to cue 3.0 as next. Same result as Cue/Connect 3.0 ENTER.
parameter Handle - the cuelist handle to be set
stepNumber (Float) - the cuenumber to be set as next cue
returns Nothing if successful.
Error message if not successful.
remarks Does not check if the indicated cue actually exists. If it doesn't then nothing happens, and no error is thrown.

Used In

webapi/requests/cuelists_setnextcue.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:27 by

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