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Web API example


Converts MIDI commands to web API requests, providing a simple way to control Titan PC suite with USB-MIDI.

author, date Sebastian Beutel, 2018
prog. lang./ framework C, C++ (sources and instructions to compile it with GCC/MinGW are provided)
description The result is a simple exe file which can run on Windows computers. It listens to class-compliant MIDI devices. Upon incoming MIDI messages Web API requests are being sent.

Configuation - which request being triggered by which MIDI message - is done by editing a simple text file. Extensive examples are provided.

Also includes Titan IDs to retrieve the Titan IDs and location strings.
other requirements none (for using Titan IDs a web browser is required)


MidiToWeb (console program)MidiToWeb's cinfig fileTitanIDs

API Requests

MIDI To Web uses a modular system to allow for defining requests and parameters separately. This is explained in length in the manual, and briefly in the config file itself. This system allows to add more WebAPI requests if needed just by editing the config file. Here, just the requests are listed which are included as examples.

webapi/examples/miditoweb.1587310118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:28 by icke_siegen

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