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The Amended Shapefile

This is the latest shapefile. Download, rename it to Shape.xml (your browser might mess this up), copy it to the correct location, restart Titan and have fun.

Latest changes:

  <History Date="05-11-2014" Author="Gregory Haynes" Comments="Added Dimmer Strobe and increase default strobe speed to 120BPM. Added White, Amber, Hue and Saturation shapes. Added missing channels to block shapes."/>
  <History Date="10-03-2017" Author="Alex del Bondio" Comments="Added positive/negative patterns, added OW shapes"/>
  <History Date="10-03-2017" Author="Alex del Bondio" Comments="Added group master shape"/>
  <History Date="15-07-2022" Author="Sebastian Beutel" Comments="Merges next three changes into AdBs amended shapefile"/>
  <History Date="23-04-2020" Author="Gregory Haynes" Comments="Added some additive and subtractive shapes. Corrected attribute group for Dimmer Strobe."/>
  <History Date="01-05-2020" Author="Estevam Silva" Comments="Changed Block X Shape names to Mask X Shape."/>
  <History Date="13-05-2020" Author="Peter Bridgman" Comments="Added MaskShape definition." />

shape.xml – This is for Titan v15 and newer

shape_pre_v15.xml – This is for Titan v14 and older. Rename it to Shape.xml when doanloaded.

shapes/amended_shapefile.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/15 11:15 by

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