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personality:personality_sources [2021/09/03 13:23] icke_siegenpersonality:personality_sources [2024/08/24 08:20] (current) icke_siegen
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 ===== The personalities website ===== ===== The personalities website =====
-{{ :personality:personalities_website.png?400|}} 
 The central point to get the most recent personality library is - this library is frequently updated. Here you can also request new personalities, and can browse the library. More often than not you'll find that a certain fixture already exists under another name, by another brand. In order to update your personalities, download the package for your console, run it on the console - which will copy all the files to their correct folders - and restart Titan. That's all. The central point to get the most recent personality library is - this library is frequently updated. Here you can also request new personalities, and can browse the library. More often than not you'll find that a certain fixture already exists under another name, by another brand. In order to update your personalities, download the package for your console, run it on the console - which will copy all the files to their correct folders - and restart Titan. That's all.
 +{{ :personality:personalities_website.png?400|}}
 It is paramount to provide verbose information when requesting a new personality: the better the info provided the better the personality is. If there are only roughly guessed values then the personality can only reflect this. It is paramount to provide verbose information when requesting a new personality: the better the info provided the better the personality is. If there are only roughly guessed values then the personality can only reflect this.
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 ===== The personality section of the forum ===== ===== The personality section of the forum =====
-Another source of knowledge is the [[|personality section of the forum]]. Here you get advice about particular details regarding personalities - and if it is niclights who answers then you better listen carefully: he is the one who creates most of the personalities today.+Another source of knowledge is the [[|personality section of the forum]]. Here you get advice about particular details regarding personalities - and when it is niclights who answers then you better listen carefully: he is the one who creates most of the personalities today. 
 +===== The Avolites Fixture Finder ===== 
 +Another interesting thing is the [[|Avolites Fixture Finder]]: this allows to search for fixtures with a particular channel layout, e.g. for fixtures 'with 19 channels, 1=Pan, 6=Dimmer, 8=Red, 11=White' Search and result might look like this: 
 +{{:personality:personalities_finder.png?400| }} 
 +===== Your Avolites distributor =====
-Another interesting thing is the [[|Advanced Personality Search]]: this allows to search for fixtures with a particular channel layoute.g. for fixtures 'with 19 channels1=Pan, 6=Dimmer, 8=Red, 11=White' Search and result might look like this:+It is not guaranteed but your local Avolites distributor should be able to help with any aspect of running your Avolites console - and providing personalities is part of this toodon't you think? Sogive your local Avo hero a shout!
-{{:personality:d4f.png?600}}+===== The personality builder =====
 +Be it pure couriosity, be it an emergency, be it a special need: you can also build your own personality, using the Personality Builder provided by Avolites. You shouldn't do this in a hurry - but it is very well possible. [[personality:personality_builder|And this part of this wiki]] is dedicated to providing all sorts of information to get you up and running.
personality/personality_sources.1630675422.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/03 13:23 by icke_siegen

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