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Creating vis files from d4 personalities

Even though the old visualiser is now superseded by Capture it might be useful for some - and as personalities for the visualiser are not made any more, here are some hints how you can make them from d4 Titan personalities.

A pre-requisite is of course an up-to-date manual or at least DMX chart of the fixture you want to do files for.

1. Check if there really doesn't exist one

Use the search on if there really doesn't exist what you need - downloading is always faster than attempting to do yourself.

2. Update your personality library

You certainly do not want to work with old data. Thus, download and install the latest Titan Fixture Library from

3. Identify the correct d4 file

We assume that a d4 personality for your fixture already exists. Luckily they usually have verbose file names - have a look in the personality folder (with the PC suite installed it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary). If you don't find what you need then search at or for the correct filename. If you still don't find anything then request the personality for Titan or build it yourself (this might be explained on another day).

If you have found the correct d4 file doubleclick it to open it in the Titan Personality Builder.

personality/create_vis_from_d4.1578077759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/03 18:56 (external edit)

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