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personality:create_r20_from_d4 [2022/05/31 07:41] – [7. Finetuning/bugfixing in R20 files] icke_siegenpersonality:create_r20_from_d4 [2024/08/24 08:19] (current) icke_siegen
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 Items currently **NOT** covered by this page are Items currently **NOT** covered by this page are
   * conditions in d4 files (need to be stripped for R20 files)   * conditions in d4 files (need to be stripped for R20 files)
-  * 16bit dimmers 
   * [[personality:compatibility attributes|]]   * [[personality:compatibility attributes|]]
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 ===== - Identify the correct d4 file ===== ===== - Identify the correct d4 file =====
-We assume that a d4 personality for your fixture already exists. Luckily they usually have verbose file names - have a look in the personality folder (with the PC suite installed it is ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary''). If you don't find what you need then search at or for the correct filename. If you still don't find anything then request the personality for Titan or build it yourself (this might be explained on another day).+We assume that a d4 personality for your fixture already exists. Luckily they usually have verbose file names - have a look in the personality folder (with the PC suite installed it is ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary''). If you don't find what you need then search at or for the correct filename. If you still don't find anything then request the personality for Titan or build it yourself (this might be explained on another day).
 If you have found the correct d4 file copy it to a suitable location, e.g. your desktop, and open it  in the Titan Personality Builder.  If you have found the correct d4 file copy it to a suitable location, e.g. your desktop, and open it  in the Titan Personality Builder. 
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 ---- ----
-===== - Finetuning/bugfixing in R20 files =====+===== - Finetuning / bugfixing in R20 files =====
 There is a good chance the exported files work and can be used in your Classic console. However sometimes you might need to tweak the R20 files directly. At least now you should have read chapter 14 of the [[|Pearl 2008 and Tiger Manual]] to get a coarse idea about what is going on. Then load the file into a text editor (I prefer Notepad++) an edit to your liking. There is a good chance the exported files work and can be used in your Classic console. However sometimes you might need to tweak the R20 files directly. At least now you should have read chapter 14 of the [[|Pearl 2008 and Tiger Manual]] to get a coarse idea about what is going on. Then load the file into a text editor (I prefer Notepad++) an edit to your liking.
-One example of where you need to edit the R20 files directly is a very specific issue with the old software and 16bit dimmers: there are fixtures where not only pan, tilt or e.g. the gobo are controlled in 16bit resolution, but also the dimmer is, taking 2 Dmx channels and allowing a very fine controlling. Unfortunately the classic software has problems handling this: you can e.g. set the dimmer to 0 using the channel menu, but as soon as you hit ''Clear'' the dimmer is slightly on again: the ''Dimmer fine'' channel (LSB) resets to 255 instead of 0, effectively bringing the dimmer output to approx. 0.4%. +{{ :personality:r20_20_16bdim.png|}} One example of where you need to edit the R20 files directly is a very specific issue with the old software and 16bit dimmers: there are fixtures where not only pan, tilt or e.g. the gobo are controlled in 16bit resolution, but also the dimmer is, taking 2 Dmx channels and allowing a very fine controlling. Unfortunately the classic software has problems handling this: you can e.g. set the dimmer to 0 using the channel menu, but as soon as you hit ''Clear'' the dimmer is slightly on again: the ''Dimmer fine'' channel (LSB) resets to 254 instead of 0, effectively bringing the dimmer output to approx. 0.4%.
- +
-{{ :personality:r20_20_16bdim.png|}}+
 The fix is to make the personality with an 8 bit dimmer, and set the Dimmer fine channel to 0. Example here is the Elation Arena Par Zoom v2 15 DMX - you can use the {{ :personality:elation_arena_par_zoom_v2.d4 |Titan Personality}} and export the R20 files as described (hint: references are already in, only two wheels need to be mapped), or you directly check the file {{ :personality:elapzm26.r20 |ELAPZM26.R20}} -- this is mode 5 of this fixture, and the channel assignment is this: The fix is to make the personality with an 8 bit dimmer, and set the Dimmer fine channel to 0. Example here is the Elation Arena Par Zoom v2 15 DMX - you can use the {{ :personality:elation_arena_par_zoom_v2.d4 |Titan Personality}} and export the R20 files as described (hint: references are already in, only two wheels need to be mapped), or you directly check the file {{ :personality:elapzm26.r20 |ELAPZM26.R20}} -- this is mode 5 of this fixture, and the channel assignment is this:
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   11    1     11   100   1N       "Dimmer Low"      255         0   11    1     11   100   1N       "Dimmer Low"      255         0
-Now having patched the edited personality the dimmer goes to 0.0% when you press ''Clear''.+Now having patched the edited personality the dimmer low channel is unaffected by the main dimmer attribute as it is in another category and on page 2: 
 +(Frankly, when pressing clear, the wheel still shows a dimmer value of 0.3-- but if you check the DMX output you'll see it is 0. Chalk it up to another issue...)
 ---- ----
personality/create_r20_from_d4.1653982910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/31 07:41 by icke_siegen

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