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personality:create_r20_from_d4 [2022/05/31 08:01] – external edit [2024/08/24 08:19] (current) icke_siegen
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 ===== - Identify the correct d4 file ===== ===== - Identify the correct d4 file =====
-We assume that a d4 personality for your fixture already exists. Luckily they usually have verbose file names - have a look in the personality folder (with the PC suite installed it is ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary''). If you don't find what you need then search at or for the correct filename. If you still don't find anything then request the personality for Titan or build it yourself (this might be explained on another day).+We assume that a d4 personality for your fixture already exists. Luckily they usually have verbose file names - have a look in the personality folder (with the PC suite installed it is ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary''). If you don't find what you need then search at or for the correct filename. If you still don't find anything then request the personality for Titan or build it yourself (this might be explained on another day).
 If you have found the correct d4 file copy it to a suitable location, e.g. your desktop, and open it  in the Titan Personality Builder.  If you have found the correct d4 file copy it to a suitable location, e.g. your desktop, and open it  in the Titan Personality Builder. 
personality/create_r20_from_d4.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/24 08:19 by icke_siegen

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