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Titan Property


description Gets or sets the selected mapping id.
Namespaces Triggers
type Int32 ASSUMPTION (in the example the id is blindly passed on).
<step>Triggers.SelectMappingByName("Your Mapping Name")</step>
<step>Triggers.AddMidiTrigger(Triggers.SelectedMappingId, ...)

In order to create a MIDI trigger a mapping needs to be selected. Usually a mapping is selected by its name - but the AddMidiTrigger() function requires a mapping passed by its id.

At first a specific mapping is selected by its name. Then its id is retrieved by passing Triggers.SelectedMappingId.

used in
macros/property/triggers.selectedmappingid.1536591691.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/10 15:01 (external edit)

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