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by: Marc Heimendinger
published: March 2018
description: Shuts Titan down.
remarks: This affects only the Titan 'surface' program which is shut down without prompt. The Titan Server is not affected and keeps running.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<avolites.macros xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Avolites.Menus.xsd">
  <!-- Shuts down the console (without prompt !). Marc Heimendinger 11/03/2018 -->
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.ShutDown" name="Shutdown">
    <description>Shuts down the console (without prompt !).</description>
      <step pause="0.01">Titan.Shutdown()</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

This simply applies the function Titan.Shutdown() whci immediately - and without prompt - shuts Titan down. however, only the 'Surface' program is affected (e.g. TitanOne, Titan Simulator etc) - Titan Server is not affected and keeps running in the background.

How to use it

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macros/example/shutdown.1522660757.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/02 09:19 (external edit)

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