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Set Fan Curve

by: Gregory Haynes, January 2019
description: Macros to set the fan curve. May be put in buttons for easy access. Buttons will show the currently selected curve.


affected properties

control structures


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<avolites.macros xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Avolites.Menus.xsd">
  <!-- Fan curve macros. Gregory Haynes 02/01/2019 -->
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.Line" name="Fan Curve Line">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Line.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Line'
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.Mirror" name="Fan Curve Mirror">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Mirror.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Mirror'
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.Wings" name="Fan Curve Wings">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Wings.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Wings'
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.PullMiddle" name="Fan Curve Pull Middle">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Pull Middle.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Pull Middle'
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectCurve("Pull Middle")</step>
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.PullEnds" name="Fan Curve Pull Ends">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Pull Ends.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Pull Ends'
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectCurve("Pull Ends")</step>
  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.FanCurve.PullEnd" name="Fan Curve Pull End">
    <description>Set the current fan curve to Pull End.</description>
    <active binding="{
      propertyLink id='Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectedFanCurveId' 
      converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Pull End'
      <step>Programmer.Editor.Fixtures.Fan.SelectCurve("Pull End")</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

The macros simply set the fan curve to a specific value. Each macro can be put on a button. Using Active Binding the button is highlighted if the curve is currently selected.

How to use it

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macros/example/setfancurve.1552161173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/09 19:52 (external edit)

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