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Delete Workspace X

by: Sebastian Beutel
published: June 2018
description: deletes a designated workspace


affected properties


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<avolites.macros xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Avolites.Menus.xsd">
<macro id="UserMacro.sb_delWs2">
  <name>sb delete ws 2</name>
    <step pause="0.001">ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Handles.AllowEditWorkspaces", true)</step>
    <step pause="0.001">Handles.SetSourceHandle("Workspaces", 2)</step>
    <step pause="0.001">Handles.ConfirmDelete()</step>
    <step pause="0.001">ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Handles.AllowEditWorkspaces", false)</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

  • ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean(“Handles.AllowEditWorkspaces”, true) unlocks the workspaces to be edited/deleted
  • Handles.SetSourceHandle(“Workspaces”, 2) marks the workspace #3 as sourHandle for the next operation
  • Handles.ConfirmDelete() deletes the previously selected handle (the workspace #3)
  • ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean(“Handles.AllowEditWorkspaces”, false) locks the workspaces from being edited/deleted

How to use it


kimwida, 2018/06/12 13:05

How to delete 3rd slot of Playbackwindow (Got hint from Delete Workspace X)

  <step pause="0.001">Handles.SetSourceHandle("PlaybackWindow", 2)</step>
  <step pause="0.001">Handles.ConfirmDelete()</step>
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macros/example/deleteworkspace.1535282371.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/26 11:19 (external edit)

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