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This is not a full-fledged compendium about MIDI as such. If you are looking for details about MIDI in general you may start at or at Here, we'll concentrate on Titan's capabilities to be controlled by MIDI, or to control other devices by MIDI.


Some basic trivia:

  • MIDI was invented in the early 1980s, and is thus older than DMX
  • originally it was just a way to control electronic musical intruments from other instruments/devices
  • essentially MIDI is a signal connection. 'Real' MIDI is a 5pin cable, the connector being a round 'DIN' connector. But over the years, many developments have occured. The most important thing is USB-MIDI: transmitting MIDI information over USB interfaces. Then, there is a way to route MIDI over IP networks (rtp-MIDI), MIDI data can be stored in files (not relevant for Titan), and more.
  • unlike DMX which strives to semi-permanently send the status of a whole system (i.e. a dmx universe), MIDI only transmits events: a key has been pressed or released, a parameter has changed etc. Hence, the data rate of MIDI is much smaller.
  • MIDI messages usually comprise of up to 3 bytes. One bit of every byte is used to determine whether it's a status byte or a data byte. Hence, the 'resolution' of MIDI is 7 bit, or 0…127.
  • the specification explains in great detail which message translates to which note or other value. This way you could be sure that when you pressed e.g. the note C on a MIDI keyboard this triggered the C on a sampler or expander.
  • Nowadays there are also other uses for MIDI, e.g. MIDI Show Control (triggering cues in a show), MIDI Machine Control (sending transport commands to e.g. audio workstation programs), or MIDI Timecode

Message Types

MIDI devices can be set to 15 channels, and MIDI messages can be sent to a specific channel or all devices. A device set to 'Omni' mode ignores the channel and responds to all messages ignoring their channel.

The specification allows for various types of messages, and e.g. when using a MIDI keyboard there is a good chance that it defaults to an appropriate MIDI mapping without further adjustments. However, not every device responds to all message types.

The message types Titan can use are:

Message Type Remarks
Note On/Note Off can be used for triggers. The velocity parameter can be used to define a level.
However, depending from the controller, Note Off may have a positive velocity,
and Note On with velocity=0 should be treated Note Off.
Control Change can be used for triggers. The value parameter can be used to define a level.
Program Change can be used for triggers. Program change commands do not allow for an additional value parameter
MIDI Timecode A system-common message, received by all devices in the system. Can be used as timecode source
MIDI Show Control A system-exclusive message, used only by the device specified by the ID.
Titan can receive this and react to it as stated in the manual.
MIDI Machine Control System-Exclusive messages which can be sent by Titan, to control devices which can understand it.

While making Titan receive MIDI is somewhat straight-forward as there are pre-defined reactions provided, making Titan send out MIDI is currently done only via macros. This is very versatile as you can literally send all messages you want - but you have to know the message on a rather byte level. See MIDI Machine Control for an example.

MIDI and Titan

In general MIDI has been implemented in Titan consoles right from the beginning. However, there are some limitations. E.g. the Titan One and T1 do not provide for MIDI at all, the T2 can only do USB-MIDI (as there is no hardware MIDI outlet), and the Titan Mobile and Quartz can only receive MIDI but cannot send it (as there is no MIDI output provided). USB-MIDI was only added in Titan v12, output via USB-MIDI in Titan v13.

Here is an overview:

Titan One no no no no
T1 no no no no
T2 no no yes (v12 and up) yes (v13 and up)
Titan Mobile yes no yes (v12 and up) yes (v13 and up)
Quartz yes no yes (v12 and up) yes (v13 and up)
Tiger Touch (non-pro)
Pearl Expert (non-pro)
yes yes no no
Tiger Touch Pro
Pearl Expert Pro
Tiger Touch II
Sapphire Touch
yes yes yes (v12 and up) yes (v13 and up)

Connections and testing MIDI

external/midi.1579456408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/19 17:53 by icke_siegen

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