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Web API Parameter


Strictly this is not a parameter itself but a parameter type: a numeric value which may or may not have a decimal point and some decimal places. A full - and more in-depth - explanation of float values is available at Float (Macros section).

Notation: parameterName=1, parameterName=2.5 parameterName=.7, parameterName=-3.25.


In CueLists/SetNextCue the parameter stepNumber (which indicates the cuenumber to be set as next) is a float.

SetNextCue?handle_userNumber=4&stepNumber=3.0 sets cue 3.0 as next cue.


Various errors may result from wrong or incomplete parameters:

http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Cuelists/SetNextCue?handle_userNumber=4&stepNumber does not work and results in
“Error: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.” (no object referenced)

Reason: the equal sign is missing, parameter not parsed.

http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Cuelists/SetNextCue?handle_userNumber=4&stepNumber= gives
“Error: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.” (wrong format)

Reason: the parameter name and parsing was correctly set but no value given.

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