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Stopwatch/Flash Playback

by: Sebastian Beutel, March 2020
published: here
description: flashes a playback and stopwatches the time this is activated
remarks: idea:
use this to stopwatch the time a CO2 jet is activated
see also Timecode - Start/Stop




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- flash playback 900 while being held and use timecode 1 as stopwatch -->
  <macro id="" name="Stopwatch Timecode 1 with PB900 flash">
    <description>Stopwatch Timecode 1 with PB900 flash</description>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

This macro sports separate actions when being clicked/pressed and when being released.

When the macro button/key is pressed the <start> sequence is performed:

When the macro button/key is released the <end> sequence is performed:

How to use it

Now, while this macro is activated, the timecode runs and the playback is being flashed.

Further hints: