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Playback Groups - Create and Add

by: Sebastian Beutel, June 2021
published: here
description: basic functionality: creating a playback group and adding some playbacks
remarks: with great support by Gregory Haynes

Playback Groups were introduced with Titan v13, January 2020. This functionality is not available in earlier versions.

Gregory Haynes' email which this these examples are based on is attached as email_07062021.pdf for further details.

This example is meant to show how Playback Groups are created, how playbacks are added, how the various parameters are conveyed, and which caveats need to be taken care of. Particular attention should be paid to setting IEnureables.


affected properties


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- 1 -->
<!-- adding playbacks selected by location to a new playback group -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.Test.AddPB12tonewPBG" name="Add Playbacks 1 and 2 to new PBG">
      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleRange("Playbacks", {0, 1})</step>
      <step>PlaybackGroups.CreatePlaybackGroupWithPlaybacks("Test", Playbacks.FilterByPlaybackHandle(Handles.ContextHandles))</step>
<!-- the new PBG is also current as in PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup -->
<!-- 2 -->
<!-- adding playbacks selected by user numbers (string notation) to the current playback group -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.Test.AddCue3CL1tocurrPBG" name="Add Cue 3 CL 1 to curr PBG">
      <step>PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup(PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup, "{cueHandleUN=3,cueListHandleUN=1}")</step>
<!-- 3 -->
<!-- adding a playback selected by its user number to the current playback group -->
<!-- this requires Playbacks.FilterByPlaybackHandle() to make sure it is a playback handle -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.Test.AddPB2tocurrPBG" name="Add PB 2 to curr PBG">
      <step>PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup(PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup, Playbacks.FilterByPlaybackHandle(userNumber:2))</step>
<!-- 4 -->
<!-- adding a playback selected by its user number to a specific playback group selected by its user number -->
<!-- this requires the handle cast with a string (handle:"playbackGroupHandleUN=1") to identify the playback group -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.Test.AddPB3toPBG1" name="Add PB 3 to PBG 1">
      <step>PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup(handle:"playbackGroupHandleUN=1", "cueHandleUN=3")</step>
<!-- 5 -->
<!-- adding a playback selected by its user number to a specific playback group selected by its user number -->
<!-- this time the playback group is selected by pointing PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup to the user number -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.Test.AddCue3tocurrPBG2" name="Add Cue 3 to curr PBG 2">
      <step>PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup(PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup, "cueHandleUN=3")</step>
<!-- 6 -->
<!-- adding playbacks identified by their TitanID to the current playback group -->
<!-- No practical use as the TitanIDs are not really accessible -->
  <macro id="Wiki.Macros.PlaybackGroups.AddPBsByTitanId" name="Adding PBs to PBG by TitanID">
      <step>PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup(PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup, "{ 1812; 1999 }")</step>


This explains the functional steps within the sequence. For all the other XML details please refer to Formats and syntax

These macros were created in order to show various ways to specify single or multiple playbacks. Basically PlaybackGroups.CreatePlaybackGroupWithPlaybacks() requires a name for the new group and an IEnumerable of playbacks handles to be added to the new group while PlaybackGroups.AddPlaybacksToGroup() requires the playback group handle and - again - an IEnumerable of playback handles.

Macro 1

Here the playbacks to be added to a new group are selected via SetSourceHandleRange which takes a handle group (window) and index - this operates always on the current page of this window, the index being 0-based. the set SourceHandleRange is then referenced as Handles.ContextHandles. Additionally this needs to be filtered by playback handles: the function PlaybackGroups.CreatePlaybackGroupWithPlaybacks lives in the namespace PlaybackGroups and would search for passed handles in its own namespace if not told otherwise.

Macro 2

Two playbacks, identified by their user numbers in string notation, are added to the current playback group. Note that this relies on the current playback group being set previously (creating it in the macro above makes it current).

Macro 3

A playback identified by its user number in standard notation is added to the current playback group (e.g. still current from previously being created, see above). As the playback's user number is in standard notation Playbacks.FilterByPlaybackHandle() is required to make sure it is a playback and not a playback group.

Macro 4

A playback identified by its user number (see Macro 3) is added to a specific playback group. This is denoted by its user number which requires additional casting.

Macro 5

A playback identified by its user number (see Macro 3) is added to a specific playback group. This is denoted by pointing PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup to the user number of the playback group - no additional casting required, and the property PlaybackGroups.CurrentPlaybackGroup is set for future operations as well.

Macro 6

This macro has not been tested.

Similar to Macro 2. Two playbacks, identified by their TitanIDs, are added to the current playback group. Note that this relies on the current playback group being set previously (creating it in the macro above makes it current). As the TitanID is an internal thing and cannot be set manually nor predicted reliably is of limited use here.

How to use it

  1. macros 1~5 have successfully been tested - simply create some playbacks with the relevant user number and fire the macros to see how they work. However these macros might be useful only in special cases, e.g. in setup macros which prepare the console for you following a fixed scheme.
  2. macro 6 has not been tested as using TitanIDs in macros is only of limited use - it's not easy to determine or predict the TitanID of a particular item.