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webapi:examples:miditoweb [2020/04/19 15:32] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation icke_siegenwebapi:examples:miditoweb [2024/08/24 08:56] (current) icke_siegen
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 ===== Screenshots ===== ===== Screenshots =====
-|{{:web_api:examples:midi2web_1.png?323|MidiToWeb (console program)}}|{{:web_api:examples:midi2web_2.png?394|MidiToWeb'cinfig file}}|{{:web_api:examples:titan_ids_1.png?198|TitanIDs}}|+|{{:webapi:examples:midi2web_1.png?323|MidiToWeb (console program)}}|{{:webapi:examples:midi2web_2.png?394|MidiToWeb'config file}}|{{:webapi:examples:titan_ids_1.png?198|TitanIDs}}|
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 //MIDI To Web uses a modular system to allow for defining requests and parameters separately. This is explained in length in the manual, and briefly in the config file itself. This system allows to add more WebAPI requests if needed just by editing the config file. Here, just the requests are listed which are included as examples.// //MIDI To Web uses a modular system to allow for defining requests and parameters separately. This is explained in length in the manual, and briefly in the config file itself. This system allows to add more WebAPI requests if needed just by editing the config file. Here, just the requests are listed which are included as examples.//
-  * [[:web_api:requests:Playbacks/FirePlaybackAtLevel]] +  * [[webapi:requests:playbacks_fireplaybackatlevel]] 
-  * [[:web_api:requests:Playbacks/SwopPlayback]] +  * [[webapi:requests:playbacks_swopplayback]] 
-  * [[:web_api:requests:Playbacks/ClearSwopPlayback]] +  * [[webapi:requests:playbacks_clearswopplayback]] 
-  * [[:web_api:requests:Playbacks/FlashPlayback]] +  * [[webapi:requests:playbacks_flashplayback]] 
-  * [[:web_api:requests:Playbacks/ClearFlashPlayback]]+  * [[webapi:requests:playbacks_clearflashplayback]]
   * [[webapi:requests:masters_setmaster]]   * [[webapi:requests:masters_setmaster]]
   * [[webapi:requests:masters_flash]]   * [[webapi:requests:masters_flash]]
webapi/examples/miditoweb.1587310372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/19 15:32 by icke_siegen

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