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tricks:fixturecircle [2020/04/17 13:26] icke_siegentricks:fixturecircle [2024/08/24 08:33] (current) icke_siegen
Line 1: Line 1:
-Special+Titan Tricks
 ====== The Fixture Circle ====== ====== The Fixture Circle ======
Line 17: Line 17:
     * Radius: the size of the circle     * Radius: the size of the circle
   * the cells below show the values for X-Pos, Z-Pos and Y-Rot. Enter them as capture values. Your fixtures are now arranged in a circle.   * the cells below show the values for X-Pos, Z-Pos and Y-Rot. Enter them as capture values. Your fixtures are now arranged in a circle.
 +**Update - See below for a mobile friendly HTML version**
 |{{:tricks:excel.png?450|Excel Spreadsheet}}\\ Excel Spreadsheet|{{:tricks:circle.png?415|result: fixtures arranged in a circle}}\\ Result: fixtures arranged in a circle| |{{:tricks:excel.png?450|Excel Spreadsheet}}\\ Excel Spreadsheet|{{:tricks:circle.png?415|result: fixtures arranged in a circle}}\\ Result: fixtures arranged in a circle|
Line 22: Line 24:
 ===== HTML version ===== ===== HTML version =====
-Alternatively here is an HTML version which you can also use without Excel: here is an HTML version which you can also use without Excel:
 You can also use it here: You can also use it here:
-{{url> noborder}}+{{url> ,1000px noborder}}
tricks/fixturecircle.1587130012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/17 13:26 by icke_siegen

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