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todo [2021/07/22 11:06] icke_siegentodo [2025/03/05 07:41] (current) – [20240709] icke_siegen
Line 6: Line 6:
 ===== Missing articles ===== ===== Missing articles =====
- ~~ORPHANSWANTED:wanted~~+ ~~ORPHANSWANTED:wanted!tag~~
 ===== To Do ===== ===== To Do =====
Line 15: Line 15:
   * list more FixtureControlIDs ([[macros:identifier:fixturecontrolid|]]), e.g. Shutter or Prism. They are in the show only if such a fixture is patched   * list more FixtureControlIDs ([[macros:identifier:fixturecontrolid|]]), e.g. Shutter or Prism. They are in the show only if such a fixture is patched
   * Gregory on casts inside code blocks and custom variables: {{ ::gregory_codeblocks_cast.pdf |}}   * Gregory on casts inside code blocks and custom variables: {{ ::gregory_codeblocks_cast.pdf |}}
 +  * Gregory on filters/casts: {{ ::20211222_gregory_filters.pdf |}}
Line 68: Line 69:
   * WebAPI tied to UI on different port: {{ ::api_ui_port.pdf |}}   * WebAPI tied to UI on different port: {{ ::api_ui_port.pdf |}}
   * creating palettes and set legend: {{ ::webapi_palette.txt |}}   * creating palettes and set legend: {{ ::webapi_palette.txt |}}
 +  * Gordon Clarke controlling Cuelists (Messenger 16.09.21)
 +    http://localhost:4431/titan/script/2/Menu/InjectInput?type=OnButtonDown&id=GoBack&group=NoGroup&index=0
 +    http://localhost:4431/titan/script/2/Macros/Run?macroId=Avolites.Macros.Go
 +    http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Macros/Run?macroId=Avolites.Macros.GoBack
 +    http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/CueLists/Play?handle_userNumber=6
 +    http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/CueLists/GoBack?handle_userNumber=6
 +    http://localhost:4431/titan/script/2/Menu/InjectInput?type=OnButtonDown&id=Go&group=NoGroup&index=0
 +  *
 +  *
 +  * Gregory (28.02.24): set User Numer, incl. casting and syntax: {{ ::20240228_gregory_webapi_setusernumber.pdf |}}
 +  * Gregory (15.04.24): set property, with more casting: {{ ::webapi_currentpalette.pdf |}}
 +  * get attribute value: {{ ::api_getvalue.txt |}}
 +  * create new palette (with explanation about 4430 and 4431):, see {{ ::apicreatenewpalette.txt |}}
 +  * select group: http://localhost:4431/titan/script/2/Group/RecallGroup?handle_userNumber=1
 +  * create shape: http://localhost:4431/titan/script/2/Editor/Shapes/CreateShape?shapeId=1&runOnCells=0&absolute=true
 +  * set shape size: POST http://localhost:4431/titan/set/2/Editor/Shapes/Size (use an extension like RestMan and put 0.05 in the body as raw data, to set the shape size to 5%). See {{::api_post.png?200|}}
 ==== ASCII ==== ==== ASCII ====
Line 77: Line 97:
   * external control, example of rtpMidi:   * external control, example of rtpMidi:
-  * vVIMTC plugin for Reaper, see AdB,, {{ ::vvimtc_generator.txt |}}+  * vVIMTC plugin for Reaper, see AdB,, {{ ::vvimtc_generator.txt |}}\\ this is supposedly also possible without a timecode track
   * need to call ClearSelectionHighlights when moving, see {{ ::gregory_move_clearhighlights.pdf |}}   * need to call ClearSelectionHighlights when moving, see {{ ::gregory_move_clearhighlights.pdf |}}
 ==== examples ==== ==== examples ====
Line 97: Line 117:
 Forum done until 01.03.19 Forum done until 01.03.19
 +setting timecode via WebAPI doesn't need a TimecodeTime object:
 +  http://localhost:4430/titan/script/2/Timecode/TimecodeOne/SetStartTime?time=05:04:03:02
 Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetStartTime and TimecodeTime object, see Timecode.TimecodeOne.SetStartTime and TimecodeTime object, see
Line 156: Line 183:
     <step>Playbacks.Editor.Macros.AddLinkFromId("Avolites.Macros.OpenWorkspaceWindow")</step> <!--example Macro-->     <step>Playbacks.Editor.Macros.AddLinkFromId("Avolites.Macros.OpenWorkspaceWindow")</step> <!--example Macro-->
   </sequence>   </sequence>
 +additionally add/remove macros as per Roger Piqué (messenger 14.04.22): {{ ::roger_addmacro.xml |}}
 selection by pattern which is always done through RunCommand, see [[macros:example:quickcreategroups|]] selection by pattern which is always done through RunCommand, see [[macros:example:quickcreategroups|]]
Line 165: Line 194:
 all user settings: {{ ::missing_settings.xml |}}, {{ ::settings_neu.xml |}} all user settings: {{ ::missing_settings.xml |}}, {{ ::settings_neu.xml |}}
 +set timeline cursor position: 
 +  ActionScript.SetProperty("Editor.Timelines.ContextTimeline.CursorPosition", Timecode.AsObservable(Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime(1, 00, 00, 00, false, 100))) 
 +(messenger Roger Pique 06.04.22)
 +Gregory Haynes on time objects and timeline functions: {{ ::gregory_timeline.pdf |}}
 +first timeline examples:
 +<code xml>
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +  <!-- play/pause by usernumber 1 -->
 +  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.Timeline1.Play" name="Play Timeline 1">
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Timelines.PlayTimeline(userNumber:1)</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.Timeline1.Pause" name="Pause Timeline 1">
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Timelines.PauseTimeline(userNumber:1)</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +  <!-- play/pause by location - playbacks page 1 slot 1 -->
 +  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.TimelinePB1.1.Play" name="Play Timeline PB 1.1">
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Timelines.PlayTimeline("Location=Playbacks,1,1")</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +  <macro id="Avolites.Macros.TimelinePB1.1.Pause" name="Pause Timeline PB 1.1">
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Timelines.PauseTimeline("Location=Playbacks,1,1")</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +Gregory (21.07.22): Off Palette Groups: {{ ::offpalettegroup.xml |}}
 +Gregory (15.08.22): no numbers in property names {{ ::gregory_no_numbers_in_property_names.pdf |}}
 +Gregory (13.01.23): invert selected fixtures {{ ::gregory_toggleinvert.pdf |}}
 +> I didn't find a way to retrieve the usernumber of the current layout. But if you can live with using the legends (Layout 1, Layout 2 etc. - or you change the coverterParameter accordingly) then this would work:
 +<code xml>
 +<macro id="Avolites.Macros.SelectLayout_2" name="Select layout UN 2">   
 +  <active binding="{propertyLink id='Editor.Layouts.ContextLayout.Legend' converter='Math.EqualityConverter' converterParameter='Layout 2'}"/>
 +  <sequence>
 +    <step>Editor.Layouts.SetContextLayoutFromUserNumber(2)</step>
 +  </sequence>   
 +timeline macros, see {{ ::timelinemacros.xml |}} (14.02.24)
 +==== 20240407 ====
 +from facebook: create cuelist and write timecode
 +<code xml createCuelistWithTc.xml>
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +<!-- see -->
 +  <macro id="UserMacro.CreateCueList4">
 +    <name>A14Create Cuelist</name>
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Playbacks.CueList.CreateCueList("Playbacks", 0)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Select.EditHandle("Location=Playbacks,1,0")</step>
 +      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Playbacks", 0)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Timecode.ToggleEnabled.Handle(Handles.SourceHandle)</step>
 +      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(null)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.AppendOrInsertPlaybackCue(Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.SetCueLegend(Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1, "Song Start")</step>
 +      <!-- Fails
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Timecode.CueTimecodeDisabled",Disabled)</step> -->
 +      <step>Timecode.SetCueTimecodeWithCueNumber(
 +        Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1.0,Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime(1, 00, 00, 00, false, 100)
 +        )</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Exit()</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +  <!-- added set timecode source -->
 +  <!-- explanation:
 +    (1) In order to set a playback's options you still need to have it set as SourceHandle, 
 +        hence I commented the line where you nullify this (you may want to do this later...)
 +    (2) In order to set a playback's options you need to call FilterHandleOptions()
 +    (3) My favourite errors in the API documentation: this is an Enum, and valid options are 
 +        Timecode1Id, Timecode2Id etc., and to set such enums you need to apply some doublequotes: 
 +        the correct line reads
 +        <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("HandleOptions.CueLists.TimecodeSource","Timecode3Id")</step>
 +      --> 
 +  <macro id="UserMacro.CreateCueListSetSource">
 +    <name>Create Cuelist and Set TC Source</name>
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step>Playbacks.CueList.CreateCueList("Playbacks", 0)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Select.EditHandle("Location=Playbacks,1,0")</step>
 +      <step>Handles.SetSourceHandle("Playbacks", 0)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Timecode.ToggleEnabled.Handle(Handles.SourceHandle)</step>
 +      <!-- <step>Handles.SetSourceHandleFromHandle(null)</step> -->
 +      <step>Playbacks.AppendOrInsertPlaybackCue(Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1)</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.SetCueLegend(Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1, "Song Start")</step>
 +      <!-- Fails
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.Timecode.CueTimecodeDisabled",Disabled)</step> -->
 +      <step>Timecode.SetCueTimecodeWithCueNumber(
 +        Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Handle,1.0,Timecode.MakeTimecodeTime(1, 00, 00, 20, false, 100)
 +        )</step>
 +      <step>Handles.FilterHandleOptions()</step>
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum("HandleOptions.CueLists.TimecodeSource","Timecode3Id")</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.PlaybackEdit.Exit()</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +A similar question answered by Gregory, with further details: {{ ::createcuelist.pdf |}}
 +==== 20240707 ====
 +from FB,
 +Macro to set a playback's level and move the fader.
 +See also GH's email (SB private).
 +<code xml enableCue.xml>
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +<!-- enable/disable a cuelists cue -->  
 +<!-- see -->
 +  <macro id="UserMacro.testFirePB16.Page">
 +    <name>_Test FPB 16 w. Page</name>
 +    <sequence>
 +      <step pause="0.05">Handles.Playbacks.ChangePage(99)</step>
 +      <step pause="0.05">Playbacks.FirePlaybackAtLevel("Location=Playbacks,1,1", level:0.6, true)</step>
 +      <step pause="0.05">Handles.Playbacks.ChangePage(0)</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +==== 20240709 ====
 +from forum: enable/disable a cuelist's cue
 +<code xml enableCue.xml>
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +<!-- enable/disable a cuelists cue -->  
 +<!-- see -->
 + <macro name="__PB 100 enable cue 10" id="Wiki.Macros.PB100.Cue10On">
 +    <sequence>   
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", handle:"playbackHandleUN=100")</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Editor.CueSelection.SelectCueByNumber(handle:"playbackHandleUN=100", 10)</step>
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Playbacks.Editor.Times.Disabled", false)</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 + <macro name="__PB 100 disable cue 10" id="Wiki.Macros.PB100.Cue10Off">
 +    <sequence>   
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty("Playbacks.Editor.SelectedPlayback", handle:"playbackHandleUN=100")</step>
 +      <step>Playbacks.Editor.CueSelection.SelectCueByNumber(handle:"playbackHandleUN=100", 10)</step>
 +      <step>ActionScript.SetProperty.Boolean("Playbacks.Editor.Times.Disabled", true)</step>
 +    </sequence>
 +  </macro>
 +Update SetCurrentShapesDirection for v17, see {{ ::allshapesdirection.xml |}}
 +Nudge Timecode, Daniel Dai/Messenger/20250226
 ==== Titan Tricks ==== ==== Titan Tricks ====
todo.1626952005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/22 11:06 (external edit)

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