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Avolites-Wiki start page
Welcome to the This site is dedicated to Avolites lighting consoles (see and In particular, this is meant to be a place for custom-created content and information: there are many things not mentioned in the manuals. And as Facebook, youtube and various forums have their difficulties in making things permanently available, this wiki might be a good place.
At the moment it is planned to provide contents like
- introduction_to_macros – information and examples to complement the Avolites Titan API
- introduction_to_webapi – again complementning the API documentation but in reference to using it as web control surface
- writing_personalities – a slightly more comprehensive guide to writing and adjusting personalities
- Custom Shapes – howto write and use your own shapes
The beauty of such a wiki is: it can be changed and extended at any time.
Have fun
start.1509297512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/29 17:18 by icke_siegen