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start [2019/12/25 11:10] icke_siegenstart [2024/08/24 07:48] (current) icke_siegen
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 ====== Avolites-Wiki start page ====== ====== Avolites-Wiki start page ======
-Welcome to the This site is dedicated to Avolites lighting consoles (see and In particular, this is meant to be a place for custom-created content and information: there are many things not mentioned in the manuals. And as Facebook, youtube and various forums have their difficulties in making things permanently available, this wiki might be  a good place.+<fs large>**<color #ed1c24>NEW: the downloads formerly available at have moved to __[[downloads:start|Downloads]]__</color>**</fs> 
 +Welcome to the inofficial Avolites-Wiki. This site is dedicated to Avolites lighting consoles (see and In particular, this is meant to be a place for custom-created content and information: there are many things not mentioned in the manuals. And as Facebook, youtube and various forums have their difficulties in making things permanently available, this wiki might be  a good place.
 At the moment it is planned to provide contents like At the moment it is planned to provide contents like
-  * [[macros:introduction_to_macros]] -- information and examples to complement the Avolites Titan API with regards to writing macros +  * [[macros:start]] -- information and examples to complement the Avolites Titan API with regards to writing macros 
-  * [[external:external_control|]] -- controlling Titan from external programs and vice versa: Triggers, Timecode, MIDI, WebAPI etc. +  * [[external:start]] -- controlling Titan from external programs and vice versa: Triggers, Timecode, MIDI, WebAPI etc. 
-  * [[personality:personalities]] -- a slightly more comprehensive guide to writing and adjusting personalities +  * [[personality:start]] -- a slightly more comprehensive guide to writing and adjusting personalities 
-  * [[shapes:introduction]] -- howto write and use your own shapes +  * [[shapes:start]] -- howto write and use your own shapes 
-  * [[ai:ai_knowledge_base|]] -- the newest addition: in-depth explained examples for the use of the Ai media server, in particular its patch engine+  * [[ai:start]] -- the newest addition: in-depth explained examples for the use of the Ai media server, in particular its patch engine
 The beauty of such a wiki is: it can be changed and extended at any time. As such it might be interesting to watch the [[start?do=recent|Recent Changes]]. The beauty of such a wiki is: it can be changed and extended at any time. As such it might be interesting to watch the [[start?do=recent|Recent Changes]].
start.1577272215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/25 11:10 (external edit)

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