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Shapefile Structure

The shapefile (for its location see Custom Shapes) is a very basic xml file. Essentially it looks like this (the file shown is abbreviated and not operational in Titan):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <History Date="05-11-2017" Author="Sebastian Beutel" Comments="Created simplified version for wiki as example."/>
  <Pattern ID="Sine">
    <Function ID="1" Value="0"/>
    <Function ID="17" Value="1000"/>
    <Function ID="33" Value="0"/>
    <Function ID="34" Value="-98"/>
    <Function ID="64" Value="-98"/>
  <Pattern ID="Cosine">
  <Shape ID="1" Name="Circle" Group="P">
    <Function ChannelID="Pan" PatternID="Sine" Amplitude="200" Phase="270" Speed="15"/>
    <Function ChannelID="Tilt" PatternID="Sine" Amplitude="200" Phase="0" Speed="15"/>
  <Shape ID="2" Name="Spiral" Group="P">
    <Function ChannelID="Pan" PatternID="Spiral" Amplitude="200" Phase="0" Speed="3"/>
    <Function ChannelID="Tilt" PatternID="Spiral" Amplitude="200" Phase="11" Speed="3"/>
  <Shape ID="159" Name="Saturation Saw" Group="C">
    <Function ChannelID="Saturation" PatternID="Saw" Amplitude="1000" Phase="0" Speed="29"/>

The general structure of an XML file is explained in more detail in the macros section.

  • there is the XML declaration <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
  • there is the root element <ShapeFile> which encloses the entire contents and is finally closed with </ShapeFile>
  • there is a number of History entries which simply show the development of this file: <History Date=“05-11-2017” Author=“Sebastian Beutel” Comments=“Created simplified version for wiki as example.”/>
  • there is a number of <Pattern …> elements
  • there is a number of <Shape …> elements which are the shapes available in Titan
shapes/shapefile_structure.1510597590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/13 18:26 by icke_siegen

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