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personality:personality_sources [2021/09/03 13:40] – [The personalities website] icke_siegenpersonality:personality_sources [2024/08/24 08:20] (current) icke_siegen
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 ===== The personality section of the forum ===== ===== The personality section of the forum =====
-Another source of knowledge is the [[|personality section of the forum]]. Here you get advice about particular details regarding personalities - and if it is niclights who answers then you better listen carefully: he is the one who creates most of the personalities today.+Another source of knowledge is the [[|personality section of the forum]]. Here you get advice about particular details regarding personalities - and when it is niclights who answers then you better listen carefully: he is the one who creates most of the personalities today.
-Another interesting thing is the [[|Advanced Personality Search]]: this allows to search for fixtures with a particular channel layout, e.g. for fixtures 'with 19 channels, 1=Pan, 6=Dimmer, 8=Red, 11=White' Search and result might look like this:+===== The Avolites Fixture Finder =====
-{{:personality:d4f.png?600}}+Another interesting thing is the [[|Avolites Fixture Finder]]this allows to search for fixtures with a particular channel layout, e.g. for fixtures 'with 19 channels, 1=Pan, 6=Dimmer, 8=Red, 11=White' Search and result might look like this:
 +{{:personality:personalities_finder.png?400| }}
 +===== Your Avolites distributor =====
 +It is not guaranteed but your local Avolites distributor should be able to help with any aspect of running your Avolites console - and providing personalities is part of this too, don't you think? So, give your local Avo hero a shout!
 +===== The personality builder =====
 +Be it pure couriosity, be it an emergency, be it a special need: you can also build your own personality, using the Personality Builder provided by Avolites. You shouldn't do this in a hurry - but it is very well possible. [[personality:personality_builder|And this part of this wiki]] is dedicated to providing all sorts of information to get you up and running.
personality/personality_sources.1630676444.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/03 13:40 by icke_siegen

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