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macros:xml_file_format [2017/10/29 16:25] – ↷ Page moved from xml_file_format to macros:xml_file_format icke_siegenmacros:xml_file_format [2024/08/24 08:17] (current) icke_siegen
Line 47: Line 47:
   * ''<description>'' corresponds with the closing ''</description>'', is optional, and may hold a longer description of the macro   * ''<description>'' corresponds with the closing ''</description>'', is optional, and may hold a longer description of the macro
   * ''<sequence>'' corresponds with the closing ''</sequence>'' and holds the actions which the macro is to perform (one or more steps)   * ''<sequence>'' corresponds with the closing ''</sequence>'' and holds the actions which the macro is to perform (one or more steps)
 +    * it is also possible to use ''<start>'' ... ''</start>'' and ''<end>'' ... ''</end>'' in order to have separate actions when the button is pressed and when it is released, see [[macros:example:stopwatchflash|]]
   * ''<step>''...''</step>'' is the function which this step is to perform. In this case it calls the function ''ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum()'' with the arguments ''"Handles.HandlesHeldover"'' and ''"NeverHold"''.   * ''<step>''...''</step>'' is the function which this step is to perform. In this case it calls the function ''ActionScript.SetProperty.Enum()'' with the arguments ''"Handles.HandlesHeldover"'' and ''"NeverHold"''.
-A brief introduction about possible functions [[|is available here]]. But essentially, this whole wiki is dedicated to possible macros :-/+A brief introduction about possible functions [[|is available here]]. But essentially, this whole wiki is dedicated to possible macros :-/ 
 +It is possible to bundle some steps together into one block with {curly braces} like this: 
 +<code xml> 
 +  <step>Playbacks.SetRecordType("RecordCueModeProgrammer")</step> 
 +  <step> 
 +         { 
 +            Playbacks.StoreCue("PlaybackWindow", 1000, false); 
 +            Handles.SetSourceHandle("PlaybackWindow", 1000); 
 +            ActionScript.SetProperty("Handles.CurrentUserNumber", userNumber:10000); 
 +            Handles.SetUserNumber(); 
 +            Handles.ClearSelection(); 
 +         } 
 +     </step> 
macros/xml_file_format.1509294353.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/29 16:25 (external edit)

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