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macros:identifier:titanid [2024/03/07 08:14] – [Table] icke_siegenmacros:identifier:titanid [2024/08/24 08:51] (current) icke_siegen
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 Within Titan, each and every single item has an Id - simply an integer number which is this item's unique identifier. This can be used to refer to a specific item by calling this object with its id. Within Titan, each and every single item has an Id - simply an integer number which is this item's unique identifier. This can be used to refer to a specific item by calling this object with its id.
-Usually, each id is set by Titan itself - you have no means - and no reason - to alter a particular item's id. Also, that's why **you will use the titanId in macros only in rare cases: there is no practical way to find the titanId of a specific item, and it might be different in the next show.** However, there are some reserved IDs which might be a good guess for the master IDs in new shows. **As you can see below this is not guaranteed, in particular across versions -- the IDs have changed from v10 to v11/v12, and then again to v13** (these are at least valid until Titan v15, tested June 2021):+Usually, each id is set by Titan itself - you have no means - and no reason - to alter a particular item's id. Also, that's why **you will use the titanId in macros only in rare cases: there is no practical way to find the titanId of a specific item, and it might be different in the next show.** However, there are some reserved IDs which might be a good guess for the master IDs in new shows. **As you can see below this is not guaranteed, in particular across versions -- the IDs have changed from v10 to v11/v12, and then again to v13** (these are at least valid until Titan v17, tested March 2024):
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 (found by scrutinizing showfiles after uncompressing) (found by scrutinizing showfiles after uncompressing)
-There is a website which retrieves titanIds from your show if called on the same computer where Titan PC suite (and Web API) are running:, see also [[webapi:examples:titanids]].+There is a website which retrieves titanIds from your show if called on the same computer where Titan PC suite (and Web API) are running:, see also [[webapi:examples:titanids]].
 [[:about_this_wiki|ASSUMPTION]] (derived from some examples) [[:about_this_wiki|ASSUMPTION]] (derived from some examples)
macros/identifier/titanid.1709799270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/07 08:14 by icke_siegen

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