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macros:example:firesetlisttrack [2019/04/27 17:46] – [How to use it] sideshowbondmacros:example:firesetlisttrack [2024/08/24 08:23] (current) icke_siegen
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 Albeit there are various functions to fire and edit setlist tracks, the main challenge is to identify the particular track. After a number of pointless tries Gregory confirmed that currently usernumbers for setlist tracks are not implemented. Hence the only way to identify a track is its id. And as it is also not possible to make a track show its id and it's also not shown via Web API the only way to get the id is to retrieve it from the showfile. And finally, as SetList.FireTrack comes from the namespace SetList passed TitanIDs are parsed in the SetList context which fails. The only way to make it work is the string notation ''SetList.FireTrack("trackHandleID=1840")''. Albeit there are various functions to fire and edit setlist tracks, the main challenge is to identify the particular track. After a number of pointless tries Gregory confirmed that currently usernumbers for setlist tracks are not implemented. Hence the only way to identify a track is its id. And as it is also not possible to make a track show its id and it's also not shown via Web API the only way to get the id is to retrieve it from the showfile. And finally, as SetList.FireTrack comes from the namespace SetList passed TitanIDs are parsed in the SetList context which fails. The only way to make it work is the string notation ''SetList.FireTrack("trackHandleID=1840")''.
-In order to make it easier to get a setlist track id [[|the showfile parser]] has been extended to show them, e.g. [[|in this example]] (click ''Show Setlists'').+In order to make it easier to get a setlist track id [[|the showfile parser]] has been extended to show them (click ''Show Setlists'').
 ==== functions ==== ==== functions ====
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   - create your show with all required setlists and tracks   - create your show with all required setlists and tracks
-  - upload the showfile to [[|the showfile parser]] and hit ''Show Setlists'' to get the setlist track ids+  - upload the showfile to [[|the showfile parser]] and hit ''Show Setlists'' to get the setlist track ids
   - create one or more of the macros like above with the ids you have just found (replacing all three occurencies of '1840' with the respecitve id)   - create one or more of the macros like above with the ids you have just found (replacing all three occurencies of '1840' with the respecitve id)
   - [[:macros:deploying|make this macro available]]   - [[:macros:deploying|make this macro available]]
macros/example/firesetlisttrack.1556387188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/27 17:46 by sideshowbond

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