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Within Titan, Trigger is the general concept of having an external signal firing a specific action in Titan. This is rather well documented in the Titan Usermanual.

  1. connect the trigger source
  2. Enter System mode and select [Triggers].
  3. Add a new mapping using the + button at the bottom of the left hand column, and give it a name.
  4. Add a trigger to the mapping using the + button in the right hand column or softkey [Add trigger]
  5. Set Trigger Type and - if Trigger Type=Item - the trigger action
  6. Press a button, move a fader - whichever action you want to be triggered.
  7. Click [OK]
  8. Select the Trigger Type (this time this term refres to the source), and either enter the parameters manually or use the learn function: make your trigger source fire the signal which is supposed to trigger the action - Titan should recognize the signal and automatically set the correct values.
  9. Click [Add]. The trigger you have just defined is added to the list on the right.
external/trigger.1579447648.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/19 15:27 by icke_siegen

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