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Reaper CSV Import

Idea and Implementation by Oliver Waits.

Defining and adjusting the correct Timecode timestamps in Titan can be an arduous work, with lots of trial and error. This is where Reaper CSV Import comes into play: within Reaper it is much easier to define exact timestamps (called Markers in Reaper).

The quick version

  1. in Reaper, set the timeline to be displayed in HH:MM:SS:FF
  2. load the track and create your markers as needed
  3. open Region/Marker Manager
  4. right-click in Region/Marker manager, Export Project Regions/Markers, save as csv
  5. open the Reaper CSV Import website
  6. connect to your Titan console or PC suite which at least has an empty cuelist, load the exported csv file, select the cuelist and click Import.

This way your cuelist has magically learned the markers you created in Reaper - you can then play the track from Reaper (with SMPTE Timecode, you can play it with Winamp (in that case adjust the frame numbers in Reaper), or use any other DAW or video player.

The long version

1. Set timeline format

Titan expects timestamps with four nibbles: hh:mm:ss:ff (for: hours, minutes, seconds, frames). Hence, the csv file needs to contain the correct format as well, and settng Reaper correctly is the easiest way to do this. Right-click in the Timeline area, and from the conext menu select Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames

2. Create Markers

With your track loaded, edited as needed, maybe timecode added, create your markers. The easiest way is to use the keyboard: the spacebar plays/pauses, and the M key inserts a marker at the current time. Later, holding the Ctrl key, you can easily click and move markers to adjust.

3. open the Regions/Marker Manager

Either from the View menu or with Ctrl Alt Shift R

external/reaper_csv_import.1580203080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/28 09:18 by icke_siegen

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