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downloads:start [2024/08/11 10:02] icke_siegendownloads:start [2024/10/01 13:20] (current) icke_siegen
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-====== Downloads ======+====== Downloads and more ======
 After migrating the former website several times it is now time to integrate the available downloads here. This will take a few days to have all programs and infos here. At the moment these items are available: After migrating the former website several times it is now time to integrate the available downloads here. This will take a few days to have all programs and infos here. At the moment these items are available:
 +**[[downloads:avolites-fixture-finder|]]** -- search fixtures by channel definitions
 **[[downloads:titan-switch|]]** -- toggle Titan PC Suite between versions in seconds **[[downloads:titan-switch|]]** -- toggle Titan PC Suite between versions in seconds
 +**[[downloads:titan-reset|]]** -- reset Titan settings to factory defaults, e.g. when the drawing board/virtual keyboard doesn't appear
 +**[[downloads:titan-english|]]** -- toggle Titan's GUI language to english on non-english windows computers
 +**[[downloads:manuals|]]** -- deutsche Handbücher
 +**[[downloads:midi-to-web|]]** -- translate USB-MIDI calls to Web API requests
 +**[[downloads:web-api-demo|]]** -- first demo for the Titan Web API
 +**[[downloads:personalities|]]** -- early collection of personalities specifically made for customers
 +**[[downloads:titan-one-keys|]]**  -- control TitanOne with the keyboard
 +**[[downloads:d4z|]]** -- an early tool to parse showfiles in order to extract patch information and more
 +**[[downloads:informationen-und-links|]]** -- Newsletter, Social Media, Foren etc.
 +**[[downloads:videos|]]** -- some videos in order to get you started with Titan
 +**[[downloads:ai-projekte|]]** -- - some interesting AI projects
downloads/start.1723370541.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/11 10:02 by icke_siegen

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